I want to be a Bad-[cencored[




Originally Posted by uberschveinen View Post
... This character felt not so much like a character as a fundamental force of nature that I had, through some accident, been mistakenly granted.
It was at this point where I started to giggle and snort...

Originally Posted by uberschveinen View Post
... I had to stop using my SS/SD Brute for testing my AE missions because when I was using him it never even crossed my mind that roving all-Malta-Sapper patrols would actually be challenging.
Here is where the milk from my morning cereal shot out my nose, first one side then the other as if it couldn't make up its mind because I was laughing so hard!

Originally Posted by uberschveinen View Post
In short, SS/SD has massive single target damage, monstrous AoE damage, colossal damage buffs all the time, easy-cap positional defense, two damned good +health powers, a solid backing of resistance, and so much knockdown that none of the defense will ever matter against just one enemy. Also, it gets good earlier than all the other Brutes and never stops getting better. SS/SD killed my ability to ever enjoy playing other Brutes, because they just can't duplicate the feel of a runaway bus full of freight trains.
If you started a career as a car salesman, Detroit would have jobs again. I just rolled one on the strength of your reply. Well done!



Originally Posted by Kry8ter View Post
It's all in the title.

So... What Archetypes and builds do -you- feel are the most Bad-***? What powers and abilities and tactics REALLY cement this for you? In those trees are there things that could be skipped and others that are MUSTS?
Hmmm. Um hmmmm....

You want a bs/sd scrapper.

It is the earliest softcap to melee, via parry and shield's high defenses. Later you can softcap vs all if you care to.

Broadsword has a wide (and very early) cone. It gets a moderately good pbaoe that shield defense's Against All Odds turns into a very good pbaoe. And it get's Shield Charge.

It has knockdown and knockup in noticeable and usable amounts, for extra mitigation.

It is a unique combo, and a very, very powerful one. The two sets go together like peanut butter and jelly, which is even more remarkable considering that they were designed many years apart.

You will like, trust me.