Weird rules you make for yourself

Ael Rhiana



I don't say this lightly, not at all... I think you should look into counseling. =/ You can't even have fun with a game that you have *paid* for, because of your extremely restrictive rules. I'm sure someone will bash me for saying it, but, hell, I'm in therapy, too so... *shrugs*

"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb

My Characters



I used to have two rules for myself, but I've abandonded both of them, and can't think of any others off-hand. The two rules I used to have:

1) Never log off with debt. I used to hate logging on and feeling like I had to dig myself out of a hole. Then they introduced patrol experience and my debt magically disappeared when I logged off, so it was no longer a big deal.

2) When running solo I used to always "paint" the map, that is run around until all the areas and side walls of the map were filled in. that was a minor OCD thing and I gave up on it after I started teaming more and no one wanted to wait for me to run around like an idiot when there was no point. I do still run the whole way around those loops that occur in the halls of many of the office maps though.

The only existing "rule" I have is that all my characters run through the tutorial regardless of whether they are hero, villain or praetorian.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon