Mind/Psi help




I am a long time brute player, and here I am falling for this dom lol. Only problem is I got little idea what I am doing.

The dom is a mind/psi, now 22.

I want to increase global rech, perhaps even perma, but mostly just have more fun. I have quite a bit of treasure from my brutes to help do this.

The guides for mind/psi are issue 6 + 7, and we all know doms have evolved a lot since then.

Anyone have a build guide, slanted towards rech, that I can glance at?




I have been poking around (successfully) through the Dom board and have found quite a few goodies. I am especially intrigued to learn of the usefulness of a Mind dom on the LRSF (I do love a good 50 SF) My brute is only so useful there, since if things are going well he seems moderately useful, and if things start to fall apart all he can do is stand and die (although I have been able to take a loooooong time doing that, it is of little consolation)

I am still enjoying the build, now at 25th (leveling slowing during the work week) Hopefully it will get even better through the 30s, and it looks like it will.

My big question now is when to start feathering in the I/Os with Rech in mind. I usually (with brutes) just do SOs until 47+ and then drop in I/Os at that time, but it seems with Doms I may want to reconsider that. Any rech gets that Dom up faster, and my major hold powers too. I still want to balance that with getting good accuracy enhanced powers, or it won't mean much. (I usually put in 2 SOs ACC in every major power, cause you never know what team leader thinks all purp enemies are the bestest in the worlds, and of course, enhancing holds and damage is a good thing too.)



I usually don't consider IOs much for anything except tertiary stuff until my 40s. Then again, I usually only slot what drops as a rule anyway.

It's 106 miles to Grandville, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing faceless helmets

... Hit it ...



The Fear, Confuse and Sleep sets that offer 6.25% recharge should be cheap and easy enough to have slotted out by level 30ish. On the other hand, those are probably not the powers you want 5-slotted early on. 6-slotting Kinetic Crash in either of your kb powers will give 7.5%, also a snipe gets 7.5% at the 5th slot. This combo can get a pretty hefty global recharge early in life.

Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)