Cathedral of pain




Originally Posted by InsanityPeak View Post
Aight y'all. That sounds like a challenge to me. Freedom can do this faster.

I'll even help.
Not at all...just a word of encouragement that it can be done, and temps aren't necessary even though a lot of folks on other servers who have posted fast completion times have been unable to pull it off at all without them.

And yes, it can certainly be done faster, even without temps. We had a little bit of a delay on the obelisks, so we're looking to shave as much as 5 minutes off of that time on our next run.

The Twilight Avengers, Guild Leader

@Wulf 1 or @Wulf 2



Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
I was talking to one of the people that did it on Justice (also in 18 min). They originally tried it without the temp powers (nukes, shiv's, and heavies) but could not over come Aspect's regen, and they had debuffers on the team. They had to go get nukes and shives to complete it.

Anyway I would be interested in running it with you or Turg.

Also the 3 team leaders need to be in the same SG.
Prophets of Supremacy did the CoP run last night...9 minutes 30 seconds..start to finish

Took a hour and a half of planning, i hear...but that aspect dropped fast as all get out!!!