Fri - day - night Smackdown!




Where: Talos, Striga, Ouroboros.
Who: Heroes Levels 30+
Leaders: Me myself an I
Date: Aug 6th, start time 2pm

Details: Citadel 25+ 40RM, Moonfire 23+ 31RM, Freakshow War 30+ 33RM.

All TFs will be speed on majority vote.
**Speed runs will maximize our reward merits in short time. I will provide destinations directions and locations to be. This will be going on till night. The 3 following Arcs are able to be done with speed. All 3 should be done within 2pm(start time) to 6pm(end of the 3tasks) for 101merits.**

After Citadel, Moonfire, and Neal Kendrick arcs we can decide on the majority vote for the next TF(speed or not).

Fri - day - night Smackdown ends at 11pm eastern.

Largest and Most Active Group on Exalted! Daily Teams, events, raids, trials, task/strike forces! /chanjoin OOCIC - 7Servers, 20bases, 8 bases in top 100! - We have ventrilo and forums!



Of course... I don't get home until close to 10pm... (sigh)...

Have a GREAT time and wish you HUGE success!



Did the citadel tf in 1hr... and the freakshow war in 1hr 12minutes... almost started the moonfire but lost power and its still down. Thank god for wifi at dunkin donuts! America does run on dunkin... lol

Largest and Most Active Group on Exalted! Daily Teams, events, raids, trials, task/strike forces! /chanjoin OOCIC - 7Servers, 20bases, 8 bases in top 100! - We have ventrilo and forums!



Always good to see Liberty toons having fun...

Sorry to hear about your 'power' issues... but yes, America does run on DUNKIN'



I think you guys must not have a Daylight Donuts in your area....

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
