Looking for the Numpad Teamselect Buff Bind




Hey, I'm trying to find the numpad bind that selects a teammate, and then buffs them. In my case, my thermal shields.



type /bind then the following (do for each one, /bind numpad1 "teamselect 1")

numpad1 "teamselect 1"
numpad2 "teamselect 2"
numpad3 "teamselect 3"
numpad4 "teamselect 4"
numpad5 "teamselect 5"
numpad6 "teamselect 6"
numpad7 "teamselect 7"
numpad8 "teamselect 8"

Then for each of your shileds type
/bind enter "powexec_name Fire Shield"
/bind add "powexec_name Plasma Shield"

So, nit 1 on numpad, then hit enter, and + on numpad to buff teammate 1.

You could also do the healing bind
/bind subtract "powexec_name cauterize"

by hitting subtract on the numpad you will heal whoever you selected

(and i am by no means an expert, think that should work)



This is what I use. The example is 02 Boost for my /Stormers. You will note that the #9 slot buffs the pet!

/bind NUMPAD1 "+ $$teamselect 1$$powexec_name O2 Boost"
/bind NUMPAD2 "+ $$teamselect 2$$powexec_name O2 Boost"
/bind NUMPAD3 "+ $$teamselect 3$$powexec_name O2 Boost"
/bind NUMPAD4 "+ $$teamselect 4$$powexec_name O2 Boost"
/bind NUMPAD5 "+ $$teamselect 5$$powexec_name O2 Boost"
/bind NUMPAD6 "+ $$teamselect 6$$powexec_name O2 Boost"
/bind NUMPAD7 "+ $$teamselect 7$$powexec_name O2 Boost"
/bind NUMPAD8 "+ $$teamselect 8$$powexec_name O2 Boost"
/bind NUMPAD9 "+ $$pet_select 0$$powexec_name O2 Boost"

Just substitute whatever power you want for 02 Boost and you are cooking with gas.

But what if you are a Bubbler, and want to buff Deflection Shield and then Insulation Shield? Simple! Just add a Shift and hit the numberpad. Use the above to buff Deflection Shield, then for Insulation Shield, key it in like this:

/bind SHIFT+NUMPAD1 "+ $$teamselect 1$$powexec_name Insulation Shield"
/bind SHIFT+NUMPAD2 "+ $$teamselect 2$$powexec_name Insulation Shield"
/bind SHIFT+NUMPAD3 "+ $$teamselect 3$$powexec_name Insulation Shield"
/bind SHIFT+NUMPAD4 "+ $$teamselect 4$$powexec_name Insulation Shield"
/bind SHIFT+NUMPAD5 "+ $$teamselect 5$$powexec_name Insulation Shield"
/bind SHIFT+NUMPAD6 "+ $$teamselect 6$$powexec_name Insulation Shield"
/bind SHIFT+NUMPAD7 "+ $$teamselect 7$$powexec_name Insulation Shield"
/bind SHIFT+NUMPAD8 "+ $$teamselect 8$$powexec_name Insulation Shield"

Hope that helps.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



Perfect, thanks Melancton



Shift, Alt and Ctrl are your choices for alternate keybinding.



What does the "+" at the beginning of the bind do? (The one before $$ teamselect)



The + causes the bind to execute once on key press and once on key release.

The main reason to use it is to make sure the bind executes with one keypress. IIRC binds attempt to execute commands from right to left, so if you have no target or an invalid target the power may fail on the first attempt. Having the bind fire again on release ensures the power will activate without having to hit the key a second time.