KB Res/Protec?





I've been wondering how exactly works Knockback, espacially Knockback Protection and resistance.
I understood game mechanics for every mezz (since they're all the same, it's easy) except KB(/KD).

I know that if mag is < 0.75, KB becomes KD, but what about KB Resistance and Protection?

Every other mezz in the game has a mag and a duration. Is that the same for KB? Or is the mag also the "duration"?
Example: I have a mag 0 KB Protection. I receive a mag 10 KB attack. I will be knockback X feet.
I now have a mag 5 KB Protection. I receive the same mag 10 KB attack. Will I still be knockbacked X feet (like other mezz)? Or X/2 feet? Or anything else?

About KB resistance, how does this works? Does it reduces the KB mag after behind reduced by eventual KB Protection? Or before? Or it only reduces the distance? Or anything else?

The formula I managed to think of this far is something like that:

Final_KB_Mag = Initial_KB_Mag / (100% + KB_Resistance) - KB_Protection

Basically, this means that with a power like Intergration, that gives 10k% KB Resistance and 10 KB Protection, it's basically impossible to be KBed since the Initial_KB_Mag value will first be divided by 101, so it will obviously be lower than 10, which is the KB_Protection.
That wouldn't work that way with acrobatics since it hasn't any KB_Resistance, and for every KB mag over 12, you would be KBed (if not sloted).

The other thing that's possible is that KB has, like every other mezz, a mag and a duration, but duration isn't displayed anywhere for whatever reason, and that way KB res and protection would work like every other mezz.

So, can anyone help me understand this?




KB Resistance lowers the mag of the KB effect. This is different from other Mez resistance, since usually they lower the duration of the effect. Since KB doesn't really have a duration, resistance effects the Mag.

Protection comes into play after resistance for KB, and if the Mag of the KB is below your Mag of protection, then you don't get knocked back or down.

This is why Melee mez protection powers with -KB are usually so good. Not only do they have 10 Mag of Protection, they usually also contain a -10,000% resistance. Meaning that pretty much every KB effect in the game (barring a few, unresistable ones) will get lowered to near zero, and then be blocked by the protection.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Ok, so that's what I thought. Thanks for the (quick and clear) answer!