AE Map




In the maps, you have the Villain tutorial map, could we get the hero side tutorial map. I am working on an arc where you learn the backstory of my main hero and I would like you have that map for the first mission, because I want the player to go in and save her from some badies trying to keep her from becoming a hero.

Thanks for the game, I will play as long as the game exists!



I might be mistaken, but I don't think that's that's technically the map from the tutorial, but rather a later mission (it's got a door in it into another section that's not on the tutorial map).

Wouldn't object to the heroside map being there, though.

Dec out.



I one-hundred-and-ten percent approve of more content for the AE, especially maps, on one condition.

They fix maps that have custom spawn points before letting the public have them. So many maps are, for the most part, useless due to those damned custom points not spawning anything.

I'm lookin' at you, Fifth Column HQ and Freak-a-Lympics maps!