Round 2 of the Strike Force Challenge!




It's time for another strike force contest before we all go rogue! This time kidengineer is cosponsoring the event.

Here are the 3 sf's :

Barracuda Strike Force
Imperious Task Force
Lord Recluse Strike Force

After the last challenge, we're making a couple of tweaks to the rules.


Teams will do all 3 SF's - the winning team is determined by lowest total time of all SFs with a +2 min penalty for EACH death. Strike Forces do not have to be completed all in one sitting since it is a total for each SF time.

SF's will be run on standard difficulty. (+0x0)

Rules for teams: The teams must remain the same on each SF (# of members ; characters used) this keeps a bit of consitancy across the board.

Each team will have a captain - the captain does not have to be the leader of the SF - the captain will be responsible for taking a screen shot that includes the SF complete screen screen with time and deaths. The screen shot should also include the team window to verify team.

If we have a tie, we'll use the Leviathan SF (Temple of the Waters SF) aka the Eyeball SF as a tiebreaker.

Since there is a deadline in the future you have time to run the TF more than once..if you feel your time or deaths weren't great, you can re run as long as you have not submitted the screen shot. ONCE THE SCREENIE IS IN - THE RESULT IS FINAL

@Kid Engineer and @Huron are obviously ineligible for this contest.

This contest will run from the time of posting until 12:01 AM August 16th, 2010. That gives you a little over a month.

Once you've run the 3 SF's pm me here or ingame (@Huron) and I'll give you my email address of where to send your screen shots.

This doesn't exempt an account or even a character from doing this with a different team. If "Max the Mastermind" wants to do this on different teams with different people, go for it!


OK, HERE'S THE GIMMICK FOR THIS CHALLENGE: The teams must have 1 of each of the red side archetypes! The eighth spot is up to you, though. Each team must have a brute, a mastermind, a dominator, a corruptor, a stalker, a soldier (bane/huntsman/crab) and a widow (Blood widow/night widow/fortunata). (Yes, I just spelled it out). This is why the Barracuda strike force is included this time.

No team can have more than 5 members of the "Rsf'er" group on it. I think 3 was to few, we'll bump it a bit to try -- I expect at least 2 RSF teams, guys!

Any member of the "RSF'er" group, if they win, will receive 1/2 prize and a HO for their trouble. Sorry guys, I'll make it worth your while, but I don't want to pass infamy out just in the group.


Last time I didn't announce the prize, and Kid and I both feel that might have hurt participation. Judging by the nice emails I received, I think I surprised some people with the reward amount. It will be slightly less this time, but still worth the effort.


I still think these contests are a great idea, and with a small tweak here or there they can be very successful. Special thanks to Kid for joining me as a cosponsor and to Kult for coming up with the idea in the first place.

Happy Hunting!

"Can play" is not a binary. It's a float.
There are some pretty low values of "can play" out there.

The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off



I'm so in.... i gotta bug Talbein again All I can offer thought to this contest is my brute since its my only 45+ villian



I'll jump in on this, I think.

I'll start a team list here:
1. Me (RSFer)
2. Major T (RSFer)
3. Elric (RSFer)
4. Rasta (RSFer)
5. Witch-Frost (RSFer)
6. MI Abrahms
7. Lil Yeti
8. EricHough

And that's team!

I'll start playin around with who's playin what and come up with a plan.



Lil Yeti?

You wanna join up with my team? To make up for our failure to get out of the gate last time?



Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
I'll jump in on this, I think.

I'll start a team list here:
1. Me (RSFer)
2. Major T (RSFer)
3. Elric (RSFer)
4. Rasta (RSFer)
6. Maybe Riverdancer
7. Non RSFer
8. Non RSFer

I've got several people in mind for this team that I just haven't chatted with yet, but I've definitely got room for a few others. Let me know if you'd like a spot.

I am holding a spot for Lil Yeti until I hear otherwise.
Edited for frosty goodness.



Yeti is in!!!!! Can't wait

"Many people say the Yeti is only a legend while some people believe in its existence but nobody has been able to prove it,"



Another SF Scramble contest! (thanks Huron, Kid)

I'm definitely in for participating and will try to organize a team for it (meaning I'll have to talk fast). Team 1 already looks formidable heh heh.

The Mentor Project - Because we were all new to the game at one time...



I'm in. Somebody toss me an invite

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



If you would like to try this, but don't have a team/don't know anyone out there forming a team/have no idea what an rsf'er group is; feel free to post here, send me a forum pm or send me a tell in game and I'll try to make a connection for you with a team. I know of at least one team looking for just 1 or 2 more folks.

It already looks like we'll have a much larger field of entrants this time, so now's a good time to get in on this.

"Can play" is not a binary. It's a float.
There are some pretty low values of "can play" out there.

The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off



I'd be interested in partaking; the last one was fun. I've got a stalker and a brute that would work, so if anyone needs one or the other, send me an in-game tell (@Sokyoku) or a PM.



Maybe against my better judgement... okay, pretty good likelihood it's against my better judgement... I'll throw myself in the mix here, specifically with my Thugs/Poison, Killer Jill. Good heals, pretty good debuffs. ::shrugs:: Anyone needs her, gimme a holler at @bamahulk.



I missed out on the last one, but I'd like to give this a shot.

I can provide a Thugs/Traps Mastermind, a Brute, a Bane Spider or a Night Widow.

Contact me at @Mr Grey if interested.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Looking for a few Bad Men and Women

Hey All,
After missing out on the last one due to scheduling conflicts I'm trying to put a team together for this one. What we have so far is

1-Widow- Myself
2-Soldier- Sarabande
3-Mastermind- Sayto
4-Corrupter- Impyre
6-Stalker- Sokyoku

Globetrotter- AT to be determined

I personally am back to work and they are being mean to me and putting me back on 3rd shift, so my playing time has dropped to Friday nights, Saturday afternoon and night, and Sunday afternoons. If anyone is interested Drop me a PM or send a message to @ivansshade. Thanks all and Good Luck!!

Lyrina Kyton- Arachnos Widow Lvl-50 Happily
Ivan Spectre- Arachnos Soldier Lvl-50 on
The Grey Guard- BS/Sh Scrapper Lvl- 50 Protector
Ivaniva Spectre- WP/SS Tanker Lvl- 50
Bakuhatsu- DP/DM Corrupter Lvl- 45



i am sooooooooooooo In. Talbein's Team ofcourse

Leader of the Paragon Punishers SG and the Phantoms of War SG



Originally Posted by Globetrotter View Post
i am sooooooooooooo In. Talbein's Team ofcourse
I'll mark ya down Globetrotter, what AT are ya bringing

Lyrina Kyton- Arachnos Widow Lvl-50 Happily
Ivan Spectre- Arachnos Soldier Lvl-50 on
The Grey Guard- BS/Sh Scrapper Lvl- 50 Protector
Ivaniva Spectre- WP/SS Tanker Lvl- 50
Bakuhatsu- DP/DM Corrupter Lvl- 45



Originally Posted by Huron View Post

OK, HERE'S THE GIMMICK FOR THIS CHALLENGE: The teams must have 1 of each of the red side archetypes!


Last time I didn't announce the prize, and Kid and I both feel that might have hurt participation. Judging by the nice emails I received, I think I surprised some people with the reward amount. It will be slightly less this time, but still worth the effort.


Im happy to see this is catching on!! I love the twist for this event

ZOMG 200mil per Im embarrassed at how low my prize was lol.




Originally Posted by Ivans_Shade View Post
I'll mark ya down Globetrotter, what AT are ya bringing
Can bring Necro/dark MM or rad/therm corrupter. or can bring a VEAT: widow or bame soldier: whatever is needed on the team

Leader of the Paragon Punishers SG and the Phantoms of War SG



Originally Posted by Globetrotter View Post
Can bring Necro/dark MM or rad/therm corrupter. or can bring a VEAT: widow or bame soldier: whatever is needed on the team
Alright Globetrotter, I'll put you down in the second Corrupter slot. So as of Right now the team make up is

8-Dominator- @Twitch E. Cat

A Dominator has stepped up to run with a band of loonies. Thank you @Twitch E. Cat, Let the scheduling dance begin!!

Thank you all, and have a nice day

Lyrina Kyton- Arachnos Widow Lvl-50 Happily
Ivan Spectre- Arachnos Soldier Lvl-50 on
The Grey Guard- BS/Sh Scrapper Lvl- 50 Protector
Ivaniva Spectre- WP/SS Tanker Lvl- 50
Bakuhatsu- DP/DM Corrupter Lvl- 45



So I guess I will join the craziness with a team:

Corrupter 1: Me
Corrupter 2: @Phoenix Swtichblade
Brute: @Riez
SoA: @PanzerWaffen
Dominator: @Wello'
Mastermind: @Kittens
Stalker: @Garcia Vega
Widow: @TheBFB

Our SF schedule will be Aug 8th, 9th and 10th 7pm-??? EST

Nuclear Annihilation: 50. (Rad/Rad) Corruptor.
Quasar Eclipse: 50 Warshade.
Humanoid No. 7: 50 (Invuln/SS) Tank.



Just to add a little more merriment, at the conclusion of the Chef Inferno attempt, I will send everyone on the team an additional wad of cash just for trying.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho


Posted is a question that came up. I've been avoiding participating due to being married to Kid, and he's forbidden from joining on of the teams. Am I eligible? Or would too many people question/get angry if I did participate and the team I was on won?

I'd like to join Sam's team if I'm eligible to participate, but I don't want to step on anyone's feelings/toes/etc.

Global @Nomme & @Nomme Again
Protector server



I don't have a problem with it

"Can play" is not a binary. It's a float.
There are some pretty low values of "can play" out there.

The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off



I am ok with it too

Nuclear Annihilation: 50. (Rad/Rad) Corruptor.
Quasar Eclipse: 50 Warshade.
Humanoid No. 7: 50 (Invuln/SS) Tank.



No problem at all. Have fun!

Leader of the Paragon Punishers SG and the Phantoms of War SG



Looks like we almost have a team together.

Currently we have:
Sammy Davis Jr
Blazing Tiger

We have room for 3 more at this point.
If you're interested contact:
@Sammy Davis Jr

Specifically looking for a Stalker and a VEAT.

1668 - The Doctor's Medicine