Vote for me!




I don't know how many of my fellow Virtuites ever watch any Nascar racing or know about the contest Toyota is running that lets you design your own car, but that doesn't really matter. What does matter is that one of my cars is based on my main hero, Panda Monium, a kat/inv scrapper I've had since the first week of launch. I'm hoping you'll check it out, and if you like it, maybe drop a vote for it. I didn't use any screenshots on it since they are considered property of NCSoft, but the Teddypanda on the hood is an avatar I used here a long time ago. Wow! This has to be the most self serving thread I've ever posted. You can even drive the car around in the 3d preview mode.




((Nice! And I voted! ))



Not really a NASCAR kind of guy, but I liked the design so voted.



I liked it, so I voted.