SR help




Hey there, I am tired of catching crap in RV everytime I pop elude. I am not the Guy who only fights when elude is up, I simply use it as an escape tactic when I am out numbered . Well any ways I just was wondering if it is possible to build SR strong enough to lose elude? and if so how? I have a fairly strong build now but I think it could be better any inputs??



If people ***** about something you do, it means more than likely that you are doing something right. You should have and use elude as much as humanly possible. Use thier tears to wash down the hate they throw at you. Never ever listen to them so much that you stopping using a power that you have avaible. You didn't come to make them happy you came to win.

Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.



I have a SS/SR Brute I would like to slot for Zonal... Do you have a copy of your build?

Only if you don't mind.


Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.



You know if they had ellude they'd be popping it too. Use it and abuse them