How do I email items to my other toons?




Can someone please give me simple, step by step instructions as to what I specifically do to email items to my other characters on other servers or the same server? And what extension should I use? Please help... TY



Guide to Global Email

Step 1: Click on "Email" on your chatbox to open the Email Interface

Step 2: Click "New"

Step 3: Fill out "To:" field with the @Global Name you are sending the attachment to. Ex. [To: @Shadow Ravenwolf]

Step 4: Fill out the Subject Line [Use (H) or (V) to distinguish faction for claiming later]

Step 5: Click in the 'Influence/Infamy Field' and type the ammount (up to 999,999,999) for the amount you're sending

Step 6: Drag Item to the "Attachment" box (Inspiration, Enhancement, Recipe, Salvage)

Step 7: Type your message in the "Body" [Can't be left blank]

Step 8: Click Send

To claim:
Open Email as described above. Make sure you have room on your character to hold the email contents and click the "Claim" button for the email you wish to claim.


You must be Level 10 on the character to Send Email

You must be below 20 emails total on that character to Send Email

Hero can only clain email attachments sent by a Hero, hence the (H) in Subject Line)

Villain can only clain email attachments sent by a Villain, hence the (V) in Subject Line)

Make sure you use the '@' symbol and type the Global
Name accurately (Check Spelling before you click Send)

Delete all emails that you don't need so you stay below 20.

*** Claim All Attachments within 30 Days of being Sent or they will be DELETED

Edit: Blaaaargh, I type slow.

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf



Just an FYI: when you log a character in, a bunch of green System chat messages appear in your chat window. One of these green lines reminds you what your global name is. You can just highlight it and do a copy and paste with it (Ctrl-c, Ctrl-v). This way, even if you have some funky spelling, you can't make a mistake.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Originally Posted by Shadow Ravenwolf View Post
*** Claim All Attachments within 30 Days of being Sent or they will be DELETED.
Just thought I'd emphasize this last bit.



Thanks, everyone. These replies were a success. You were all awesome for the help. I greatly appreciate all of your posts.