Forum pages won't display when logged in
Turn your "posts per page" down to 100. The forum cannot display long threads. The web folk are too lazy to turn off the option of viewing 500 posts per page.
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
I will verify that that worked for me a couple of months ago. I almost always max out the thread sizes on vBulletin boards, but here it didn't work right.
Dec out.
Something weird is happening. I can view certain topics here just fine when I am not logged in, but once I log in I can no longer display the topic.
For instance, this topic:
When I am not logged it the topic displays fine. But once I put in my username and password, nothing. In Firefox I get a blank page, and in IE it says "The website cannot display the page". So it's not browser specific. And it happens on multiple computers too.
If I then logout the topic once again displays fine.
I've had the problem for a while but just recently have been able to track the problem down to being logged into the site or not.
Any ideas as to the problem?