do heal IOs increase IH regen?
Global heal bonuses, such as those provided by the Doctored 4 piece bonus or the Numina's 3 piece bonus, do not effect +regen powers. These bonuses only effect powers that explicitly heal and do not provide any resistance at the same time (those powers that provide resistance and a heal with the same power are flagged to not be affected by outside buffs).
Healing enhancement, however, does increase IH's +regen. However, only 200% of the 800% baseline +regen that IH provides is affected by enhancement. The other 600% is flagged to be unaffected by enhancement. What you see on the default info tab of Mids' is only the unenhanceable portion of the +regen provided, so you won't see any increases based on enhancement. If you check the effects tab, however, you'll see both of the effects listed, with the 200% base +regen properly modified by enhancement.
Global heal bonuses, such as those provided by the Doctored 4 piece bonus or the Numina's 3 piece bonus, do not effect +regen powers. These bonuses only effect powers that explicitly heal and do not provide any resistance at the same time (those powers that provide resistance and a heal with the same power are flagged to not be affected by outside buffs).
Healing enhancement, however, does increase IH's +regen. However, only 200% of the 800% baseline +regen that IH provides is affected by enhancement. The other 600% is flagged to be unaffected by enhancement. What you see on the default info tab of Mids' is only the unenhanceable portion of the +regen provided, so you won't see any increases based on enhancement. If you check the effects tab, however, you'll see both of the effects listed, with the 200% base +regen properly modified by enhancement. |
and I believe several of the builds you have posted to help people here use the 3 recharge instead of Doctored slotting. I understand the concept of diminishing returns but slotting IH with the Doctored set increases that 200 to around 375, per the effects tab that I just discovered

that seems to be a pretty substantial amount of regen to pass up. is there a cap to the amount of regen you can have? I have learned a lot from your posts explaining why going for +HP on a regen isn't worth it because of the easily reached cap. in fact, that's one of the reasons I am playing with new builds because I was one of the people building for lots of +HP, thinking it would help the regen amounts. but I wasn't aware of an over-all regen cap.
that seems to be a pretty substantial amount of regen to pass up. is there a cap to the amount of regen you can have?
I have learned a lot from your posts explaining why going for +HP on a regen isn't worth it because of the easily reached cap. in fact, that's one of the reasons I am playing with new builds because I was one of the people building for lots of +HP, thinking it would help the regen amounts. but I wasn't aware of an over-all regen cap. |
Yes, there is a cap, but it is outrageously high. 3000% +regen outrageously high. You're not going to get that without a number of Empaths buffing the crap out of you.
The reason that many people, myself included on some occasions, ignore slotting heal enhancement into IH is largely an issue of slot. If I need to pull slots from somewhere, IH is a quick place to steal 2 slots (if I'm willing to give up the 5% +rech from Doctored Wounds, not that the 5% +rech set bonuses are rare) without diminishing the overall effectiveness of the power much. An increase of ~175-190% +regen might seem like a lot, but you've got to remember that IH isn't up all the time and, most of the time, when it is up, a lot of that +regen is overkill. It all comes down to the build in question and whether I want to get that little bit of extra regen (which I'm more likely to want from IH than from FH because of higher average contribution numbers) or if there is something more valuable I can get with those slots. |
I hadn't thought about the whole picture quite that way, just seeing the nice bump from 200 to 375% in regen. but you are right, if your base regen is over 600% and you hit IH, does it make that much difference if you jump from 600 to 1400 or 600 to 1575? probably not, if you cannot handle what you are fighting with 1400 regen, you probably couldn't handle it with 1575, most likely laid out on the floor either way

Alright I have a related question - is there a good reasonably up to date regen guide? I've run a MA/Regen scrapper up into the 20's now and I'm picking up low-level IO sets for +regen and +max health bonuses and I'm glad to see there's no cap, but I would like to see what other people think on how this all should work. One example - is taking fitness with a regen scrapper overkill or more of a good thing? Any guidance would be appreciated.
Aluminum Man's Journal:
Alright I have a related question - is there a good reasonably up to date regen guide? I've run a MA/Regen scrapper up into the 20's now and I'm picking up low-level IO sets for +regen and +max health bonuses and I'm glad to see there's no cap, but I would like to see what other people think on how this all should work. One example - is taking fitness with a regen scrapper overkill or more of a good thing? Any guidance would be appreciated.
Fitness is usefull if you plan on using a lot of endurance. I don't use it on my MA/regen though.
Alright I have a related question - is there a good reasonably up to date regen guide? I've run a MA/Regen scrapper up into the 20's now and I'm picking up low-level IO sets for +regen and +max health bonuses and I'm glad to see there's no cap, but I would like to see what other people think on how this all should work. One example - is taking fitness with a regen scrapper overkill or more of a good thing? Any guidance would be appreciated.
also be careful you don't lump the comments about max regen into max health. it appears that the cap for max regen is high enough you don't have to worry about it for a regen. but max health is very easily reached. my original regen was built for max regen and max health and was way, way over the max health whenever dull pain was active. and that was without adding in even 1 of the accolades that gives + HP. my new build will pretty much cap HP with a couple of accolades and a few minor HP bonuses that are part of the sets that I am slotting mainly for other reasons besides + HP.
oh, and just as a side note to Umbral - my new build slots recharge IOs in IH, needed those extra slots elsewhere

Alright I have a related question - is there a good reasonably up to date regen guide? I've run a MA/Regen scrapper up into the 20's now and I'm picking up low-level IO sets for +regen and +max health bonuses and I'm glad to see there's no cap, but I would like to see what other people think on how this all should work. One example - is taking fitness with a regen scrapper overkill or more of a good thing? Any guidance would be appreciated.
FH: gotta take it but you don't have to slot it; 1 heal (or 3 heals if you have slots burning holes in your pockets)
Recon: take it soon, slot it up and learn to love it; give it 3 heals and 3 rech
QR: take it asap and slot it; 3 end recov
DP: another asap power; 3 rech and 3 heals
Integration: another asap power; though it's a toggle, the end cost isn't high enough to bother with; 3 heals
Resilience: completely skippable; don't take it unless you're running an IO build and want a Steadfast or Gladiator's mule power; even then, take it late when you have nothing better to get
IH: take it asap; slot it for recharge asap and healing when you have a chance; 3 rech and 3 heals
Revive: skip it; it's a wakie on a 5 minute recharge
MoG: take it asap and love it; the +def and +res are large enough that there is no point to slotting them; all the power cares about is recharge; 3 rech
Fighting: Start working on it in your 20-30s. Boxing/Kick is useless (crappy attack, don't bother slotting it), but Tough is great (3 res, 1-2 end redux). Don't get Weave unless you're doing an IO build because defense isn't worth it unless you're packing on 15-20%.
Speed: Hasten provides recharge. Regen loves recharge. Hasten is awesome (3 rech). Super Speed is a nice trans power if you want it. The other powers are useless.
Leaping: CJ is cheap and provides mobility as well as +def, but the values are too low to bother slotting heavily (1 def). SJ is an awesome transport power. The other powers are useless to you.
Flight: Hover is like a more expensive version of CJ that lets you stay in the air. Flight is liked by some people. Air Superiority is a nice mitigation attack. Group Flight is useless.
Leadership: Maneuvers is awesome (3 def, 2 end). So is Tactics (2-3 tohit, 2-3 end). Assault is decent but not worth it thanks to Scrapper modifiers. Vengeance is similar.
Fitness: Hurdle/Swift are nice, but not worth slotting. Health provides less +regen than FH and that's not worth slotting so Health isn't really worth slotting either. Stamina is to QR as Health is to FH, however, unlike +regen, +recov is nice to load up on so, if you really want to never have endurance problems, start working through Fitness in your 30-40s. Don't slot anything except for Stam and, even then, it should only get spare slots.
If you're going into IOs, all you should really care about is recharge and defense. +Hp is useless because it is laughably easy to cap with DP and it's remarkably easy to make DP permanent (55% global +rech with both DP and Hasten slotted). +Regen is largely redundant as well: 2 hp/sec doesn't provide much comparative advantage when you're already recovering 100 hp/sec. +Recov and +End are largely redundant as well because Regen is one of those sets that doesn't have problems with endurance even before IOs. Defense makes your damage recovery powers act upon progressively smaller amounts of damage, functionally multiplying the effects and increasing your survivability more than +regen ever will. Recharge makes your click powers come back faster. Your click powers are more than half of your survivability, so recharge is always welcome, since it makes your attacks recharge faster and makes your harder to kill.
Also +regen has a diminishing return for regen scrappers.
if you look at it like your health is recharging, and the +regen increases the recharge rate, it can look like there are diminishing returns. But in the game, and in terms of what you'll be healing in hp/sec, there are none. Every point of +regen is more regen.
Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.
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I wonder if /Regen would be overpowered if all the unenhanceable portion stuff was taken out. It just seems unnecessary and a throwback to an age where you could 6 slot Golgis in a non-click IH.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
I wonder if /Regen would be overpowered if all the unenhanceable portion stuff was taken out. It just seems unnecessary and a throwback to an age where you could 6 slot Golgis in a non-click IH.
Considering how little of the set game is really unaffected by enhancement, and how overkill IH already is a vast majority of the time, I doubt it would really accomplish much in real play. For most, IH is already unkillamode (unless you click it when you're low on health rather than when you're getting ready to face pain). Removing the unenhanceable part would just exacerbate that condition and likely make */Regen even more borked in PvP.
Personally, I think the damage recovery mechanisms on */Regen are at a nice place. I kinda wish that IH actually had some instantaneous healing portion so that it could actually be used as an "oh ****" rather than an "I'm predicting ****" button, but that's about all I'd really consider about changing any damage recovery mechanisms for */Regen.
The real thing that */Regen needs is debuff resistance, which an entirely different discussion.
Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread
Hey thanks for the tips all - I'll be saving some this conversation in my scrapper notes.
Aluminum Man's Journal:
returning to playing a regen scrapper after a long time and attempting to rebuild it in Mids. but getting confused by the numbers it shows me for IH. looking at what guides I could find here, I see an almost even split between people using 3 recharges in IH and people 5 slotting Doctored Wounds.
when I look at the power in Mids, it appears that the % regen is not benefiting from the heals in Doctored. is that correct? IH is a flat rate that cannot be enhanced? if that's the case, I can see why people slot plain recharges in there. are the folks putting in Doctored doing it just for the set bonuses, primarily the global +recharge?