Trouble detaching recipies from mail
are you trying to transfer from Hero to Villains, or from Villains to Heros?
Only Heros can claim items from Heroes.
Only Villains can claim items from Villains.
It's all been villian to villian so far. Been feeding my crafting badger recipies to keep him going. Guess I should also point out that eventually I have gotten the recipies to detach but it may takes several times over a period of time to do so.
I get it too. Lag issue just have to keep trying.
The default size of the email window seems to put the claim button right on top of other things where I can hit the button but it doesnt seem to register....try resizing the email window and dragging it up a little bit
I thought that too but even detaching email from chat panel didn't fix it.
I've been having trouble detaching recipies from mail messages. Some times when I click claim it will detach the recipie other times nothing happens. Out of a full mail box I might get half of them to detach. Later I can get some of the others to go. I can't figure out any pattern to it. I have checked that I have space in my recipies and it hasn't mattered if I sent it from another character or if it was sent from another account. Has anyone else seen anything like this?