Battle of the Supers
Hmm, this thread lacks drama, needs more conflict.
But nice video anyway. ;]

Great video.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial
Lmao!! Moonwalk! You have been served!! Loved the under the floor view too, and the "impartial" judges (just like old school figure skating!).
Great video. (Jealous much....) Yes.
Phantom Flight / Villainous Llewthorous
Awesome vid, had me laughin out loud a few times.
Member of The Stoned Templars
"If you can't eat it or smoke it, I'm not paying $100 for it" - Cherry Cupcakes
That was gooood.

I may be a bit biased, but I loved this video of the Justice Force and Injustice Force duking it out on the dance floor.
Once again, good work, Myke M!

Founder/Leader of the JUSTICE F0RCE
Love the Judging results. Nice Video!
Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...
I was vahklempt! Nice job Myke that was pretty epic!
Modir vid Braije lvl 50 DM/SD scrap
Sinny-Redux lvl 50 fire/regen scrap
Sinny Sonancy lvl 50 rad/sonic fender
"Greatness is fleeting! but Obscurity is FOREVER!!" Napolean Bonaparte
Excellent job!!

DEAR CHAMPION, DEAR CHAMPION, II Protectors of Neverland
"8 years Guys....What a Ride"
224 LvL 50's
Well done! That was fun to watch! Thank you for posting it.
Awesome job. That is the longest I've ever been able to pay attention to a dance competition.
Obsessed with badges since issue #2. 1390 and counting. Thanks BMT and Nexus
-Cofounder of Paragon's Golden Heroes SG, and Champion server loyalist.
This is a video I made of my supergroup, The Justice Force, and my villain group, The Injustice Force, doing battle.... in their own sorta way that is. Check it out and let me know what you think.