Drain Pyche




I was wondering.. Is it possible to make it perma?.. I can get it down to about 2.4 sec downtime but I cant see to get it..

EDIT - without gimping the build to much..

EDIT #2 - just noticed that hasten is perma is in theory drain pyche will be perma( hasten is perma by .01sec)



Im going to say it can be done, however its going to take a huge amount of +rech, if you have managed to perma hasten your likly alrdy very far on your way to geting it done.

I know there is a knock back set that has a nice +rech buff at a 5 slot cost and that will help unless your willing hunt down Perp IO's they do provide the largest +rech in bouns terms

There is but one truth. Time is limited. ndnw its over



Originally Posted by MementoMori View Post
Im going to say it can be done, however its going to take a huge amount of +rech, if you have managed to perma hasten your likly alrdy very far on your way to geting it done.

I know there is a knock back set that has a nice +rech buff at a 5 slot cost and that will help unless your willing hunt down Perp IO's they do provide the largest +rech in bouns terms
300% recharge to be able to cast it as soon as it drops, approximately 328% recharge to be able to truly perma it so by the time the previous effect fades you have finished casting it and have it up again (i went with a recharge of 28 seconds to get this number, allowing about 1/2 a second of overlap). Mind you, with a power like DP that requires enemies around to get up again having it truly perma is probably overkill (or you need to be way better than perma so that you can make sure you are always in a new group before it drops - the best you can get though is 24s recharge since the recharge cap is 400%)

Assuming about 95% recharge slotting in the power itself (which is about as much as you can get reasonably with ED reduction) you need at least 205% global recharge.

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13