Wed 26th ITF Darkosis Drop - Apologies




Hey all,

On Wednesday night I put together an ITF. Got a pretty good team - definitely a fun one. In the second mish CoH/My computer froze. Then on restart all hell broke loose and I needed to do some serious problem solving to get my rig back up running. (Reinstalled Win 7) So I wasnted to apologize to my team - I hope you all were able to finish. It's poor form and as I run lots of these I don't want to get a rep as a dropper. I don't remember all the toons on the team but I do recall @Obs Inc and Dr. Emerald were on the team.

Darkosis (@Dark Ignis)



Yeah I was on the team, no we didnt finish. Once the third mission set, it was set at +4 with everyone being level 47 or something stupid. We decided to all relog, the tank and a troller didnt come back, and no one was interested in completing. We talked **** on you for like a minute and then went our different ways. No biggie, it happens. Next time you get an itf going with 4 trollers (or any same at) already you should give people a heads up, we could have ran an all(most) troller tf.



Thanks for replying. One of my best ITFs was an all controller ITF...