~Master of Dr Kahn TF - Saturday, May 22~




Originally Posted by Roxona View Post
We were lucky to have enough people to form two teams tonight. E needed a second team leader, so I agreed to help. I haven't done this TF much, so really I was just a warm body to hold the star.

We had a death in the first mission, so we decided to start over. We did pretty good on our second try until some confusion in the second mission caused a death. After that we decided to just finish the TF. Reichsman's AoEs caused a few more deaths in the last mission but other than that everything went pretty smoothly.

I didn't get the screen shot but we finished in 56:12 with 7 deaths.

Thanks everyone for the fun!
I had fun rox. We'll gettem next time

My Pre-Order Coh box.
My character in coh beta.
My character in a coh beta mission.



Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
Our death occurred very shortly after we started battling Reichsman...I hesitate to say my standard line: "He went down like a Regen Scrapper!" - If you read the chat in the pic, you will see why...
Hey! One of my favorite toons is a regen scrapper, and we all know she totally Rox!



Originally Posted by Roxona View Post
Hey! One of my favorite toons is a regen scrapper, and we all know she totally Rox!

"He went down like a Regen Scrapper!" is an old story from my first Static Team run.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Even though we failed, I still quite enjoyed the run. I was on Mr. E-Man's team that Saturday. I logged in a few minutes late (a previous engagement took a lot longer than I had hoped >_>).

It was great teaming in a Freedom Horde event again. I've been away from CoH a little this past few months.

I also learned that Ninja Run is considered a temp power during Master TF runs. I almost had to go sprinting across Peregrine Island. lol. Thankfully someone TP'ed me. ^_^;

Oh, and I finally got the last epic Influence Badge with this TF, the Leader badge. \(^o^)/ I don't farm influence, so it's pretty big for me that I'm finally finished with that line of badges.

Looking forward to another try at the MoKahnTF someday.



Originally Posted by Shadowrush View Post
I also learned that Ninja Run is considered a temp power during Master TF runs. I almost had to go sprinting across Peregrine Island. lol. Thankfully someone TP'ed me. ^_^;
Yeah, this hurts my head every time we do a Master run, even moreso than losing Sands of Mu and my various vet attacks (which are supplementals, but fill some build gaps).



Originally Posted by Shadowrush View Post
Oh, and I finally got the last epic Influence Badge with this TF, the Leader badge. \(^o^)/ I don't farm influence, so it's pretty big for me that I'm finally finished with that line of badges.
Congratulations on your new shiny!!!



Congrats again on getting the Leader badge - I have yet to get that one on any of my characters.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd