Live Patch Notes - 5/4/10




Originally Posted by Doc_OBay_Jr View Post
What did that horse ever do to you?

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



Originally Posted by Doc_OBay_Jr View Post
Not just you bud, on the other forum a poster's wife's laptop had issues with Added heat at I17, another guy posted his GPU is running 10 degrees higher and I get 15 minutes on game before it gets so hot it shuts my laptop down.
A buddy who has a few accounts only has one out of Three laptops still playing since I17.
There is No "Optional" to UM on the game as i have seen even in Safe Mode.
Support had me load up a bunch of stuff, then Uninstall stuff from that, had me run Four testing systems and all they could come back with after I Passed was my laptop was running hot, No S***!, yes after I17 went live yes I started running hot.

It's about the 6th, release for it "ready or not here I come", it's about wanting to "Play" with a new graphics engine and Not care about the Paying players but Pat us on the back look how pretty we made it look...........for those that can Still play.
Four years I did not have a problem but for when AE issue killed my VG off and they paid me inf to replace it rather then them actually having to Fix it.
So yes, while you are first reporting this on this posting, it was reported all Through Test and since I17 went live, The promissed "UM is Optional and will not effect normal game play" did not happen, it's just more noticable with and on laptop players.

I think the Dev's Expect paying players Will go Buy new systems to continue to play the game since they moved the game Away from them and their current equipment, ain't happening here. I canceled my account, not paying a monthly service for 15 minutes at a time play and further Damage to my system nor am I going to pay another 2K so I can continue to pay them.

To make it clear and simple they have Forced UM on us and Have changed the game, as it was and they sent it Live anyway = "normal game play" is now With the "optional UM".

Hell, you can tell by all the TF's and zones bugging now this was pushed thru far to fast and "checks" must have been Skipped or they said after seeing they were Failing push it thru Anyway, we want it out for the 6th broke or not.

Which is just Bad Business and causes Paying customers to leave.
Man I turned UM off it was pretty easy. I didn't feel forced, in fact I can run Um just fine if when not runing duel box. But to do that most often.

And since no one has asked can I have yo stuff. LOL



Originally Posted by Doc_OBay_Jr View Post
insert wall of text here
Ultra Mode is optional, and in fact the first time starting up CoH since I17, it prompts you if you want to enable Ultra Mode or continue with your existing settings. Even when enabling Ultra Mode, the settings won't be completely maxed out. Still, you can adjust the settings to something that works with your hardware, or even disable Ultra Mode altogether.

Also, since the next logical step is to ragequit, I'll take some stuff, too.



Originally Posted by Doc_OBay_Jr View Post
Not just you bud, on the other forum a poster's wife's laptop had issues with Added heat at I17, another guy posted his GPU is running 10 degrees higher and I get 15 minutes on game before it gets so hot it shuts my laptop down.
A buddy who has a few accounts only has one out of Three laptops still playing since I17.
There is No "Optional" to UM on the game as i have seen even in Safe Mode.
Support had me load up a bunch of stuff, then Uninstall stuff from that, had me run Four testing systems and all they could come back with after I Passed was my laptop was running hot, No S***!, yes after I17 went live yes I started running hot.

It's about the 6th, release for it "ready or not here I come", it's about wanting to "Play" with a new graphics engine and Not care about the Paying players but Pat us on the back look how pretty we made it look...........for those that can Still play.
Four years I did not have a problem but for when AE issue killed my VG off and they paid me inf to replace it rather then them actually having to Fix it.
So yes, while you are first reporting this on this posting, it was reported all Through Test and since I17 went live, The promissed "UM is Optional and will not effect normal game play" did not happen, it's just more noticable with and on laptop players.

I think the Dev's Expect paying players Will go Buy new systems to continue to play the game since they moved the game Away from them and their current equipment, ain't happening here. I canceled my account, not paying a monthly service for 15 minutes at a time play and further Damage to my system nor am I going to pay another 2K so I can continue to pay them.

To make it clear and simple they have Forced UM on us and Have changed the game, as it was and they sent it Live anyway = "normal game play" is now With the "optional UM".

Hell, you can tell by all the TF's and zones bugging now this was pushed thru far to fast and "checks" must have been Skipped or they said after seeing they were Failing push it thru Anyway, we want it out for the 6th broke or not.

Which is just Bad Business and causes Paying customers to leave.
I had a few problems at first when I 17 went live ,not overheating but I was getting some nasty lag,as I know squat about computers I got my son to come over as he know,s these things inside and out,he had a look tweeked this tweeked that and everything is fine.Ok I don,t have my shadow cannot see my reflection in the windows but can see buildings and the like reflecting in the water which I like, sucker for shiney things me.Game is now running fine reading these posts it seems that most people with these problems are playing on laptops,but then again my son can play it on he,s laptop and he has not had any problems.All games evolve so the machines we play on must be upgrade now and then.In the 4 years I have been playing I have upgrade quite a few bits on my pc,and I am happy to do so as I still enjoy playing the game .I would think that all the WoW players have had these problems as well but as I have only tried that on a trial a/c and deleted it after an hour I really cannot say what thier player base say about it .

Prof Radburn controller,Celtic Ice Maiden,blaster,Miss Knockout scrapper,Mistress Davina controller,Stone Hart,tank Split Personality PB.Queen Lostris controller,Fridgid Mary blaster,Shocking Fire blaster Future Elfling defender, Little Weed controller,Capo Angelo MM, Commander Buzzsaw MM, Justice Tank tank all 50,s



Originally Posted by PC_guy View Post
Im curious if any of the 4 TFs/SFs that were bugged were fixed as well >.> and if so why were they not included in the notes
Well, If it is not on the list, and if it hasn't been changed on TEST and tested there, then it is extremely unlikely.

Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
No hami fix :<
Originally Posted by ConFlict View Post
I don't see my pvp fixes on there.
And I was hoping for a fix to the rooting blackwand animation.

But the zany devs don't realize that this should be a wishlist showing things people hope get fixed this time.
Those devs, they have the loony impression that Patch Notes should be lists of actual fixes, and nerfs that the current patch actually changed.

Crazy, huh?



I guess a dev stating that hami is broken doesnt fall into things that need fixing



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
I think his point was that laptops tend to not be as powerful, graphically, as PCs and therefore perhaps it is time for some sort of upgrade to the PC. AKA nothing to do with drivers at all. I could be misinterpreting that by a large margin though.
I saw it as the typical "problem couldnt be here..must be you.." without a possibility of server side problems. There are a multitude of harware/software combinations running this game. It is entirely possible that the devs do have a problem. Off hand dismissals do not help find these. Of course it is entirely possible the problem is on his side.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Actually I have been having a different problem. I tried to run the game since I17 came out on a system that I know will not handle Ultra Mode. The game loads up, but the cursor becomes rather choppy (as in just move the mouse slightly and it slideshows to where you want it to go, and this is at the account screen). As soon as I close out the game, the cursor moves perfectly.

Personally, it's almost as if Issue 17 created a stealth system requirement bump, since it ran absolutely fine before Issue 17 but now runs absolutely horribly on that system.

Ashes to ashes,

The Cape Radio

"It's good to have friends. Wish I did." - Troy Hickman