Flickering Water




I am running a fairly high end machine: AMD Phenom II quad core, 8 gb ram, dual nvidia 9800's in SLI.

I am running the 196.21 drivers for my 9800's, I have SLI enabled in the nvidia control panel. I am using Television's (unsupported) SLI enable code -slifbos 2, but my problem seems to occur with or without it.

Whenever I see water for the first time logging in, it has an extreme flicker. This can be corrected by sliding the water reflections setting in options down to nothing, and the sliding it back up again. This will fix the problem most times until you zone. Sometimes I get two or three zone's out of it.

I am running with all the new ultra mode setting maxed, except for 3D resolution scaling, which I have at 1712x918 (from my desktop of 1900x1020) and Ambient Resolution is only on Quality. Everything else is at it's highest setting. V-sync is off, but enabling it does not make any difference.

I took a video to demonstrate what I am talking about. I submitted this as a ticket as well, but I figured I'd ask here just in case I missed a common problem. (I searched, but my search-fu is weak.)



Have you tried running with the latest NVidia drivers?



I thought I was? I updated as soon as open beta started.

(Search) alright, apparently there are new drivers that have come out in the last couple of weeks. I'll try those.

However, my machine was working fine in beta with the drivers I am currently running.



Upgrading to 197.45 (the latest drivers on nvidia's page) does not fix the problem