model/mesh distortion for npc's




This is a bit of an odd one. I've currently running around atlas park and I was noticing that that the npc's look "pinched". By that i mean that the top half of their bodies look like they have been crushed to half their normal width. Once you get close to them they pop back to normal. I'm assuming this is an issue with the "distance" version of their meshes.

Is everyone else seeing this or is it a driver issue? I'm using a Geforce GTX 285.



This happens to me on my laptop. It's never really bothered me that much as it's most likely an issue with lower-end systems rather than the game itself.

@Ninth Cloud



I agree it's not a major issue but it is definitly not due to this being a low end system. It's a newish computer with a high end graphics card.



The only time the contacts look 'pinched' to me is when I actually click on them and their picture pops up..they are squished a little to the left. On my regular contact window they are fine. I have noticed a change in the snakes, villainside. They look llike bent wires till you get a certain distance from them then their roundness fills out.

My character detail is set at extra high, 200%, so it's not that.

I also wish the caves would lose their sharp angles. Looks so 'cheapy game' compared to how awesome the detail is in the rest of the game.

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Originally Posted by Healix View Post
I also wish the caves would lose their sharp angles. Looks so 'cheapy game' compared to how awesome the detail is in the rest of the game.
That in particular is a problem with how the maps are processed, IIRC. They ran a fix for it for outside zones, but apparently never bothered with mission maps.

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You can fix the pinched look by sliding character detail up in advanced graphics settings.