*Dusts off 5-month-dormant Warshade*




Alright, I've got a level 39 Warshade which I'm gonna take out of retirement and see what he can do. Since I last played him, I've heard that they've buffed Kheldians a lot, and nerfed the Quantum enemies (which is part of the reason I retired the guy in the first place - I hated those things).

I don't remember anything about how to play him, and I'm not sure what builds are effective with the new buffs.

I've been looking through various Kheldian guides on the forums here, but almost all of them seem to be outdated, using old information.

Can anyone help me out in respeccing my WS, and giving me a few tips on how to play him? I'd like to go Triform if that's still a viable option.

EDIT: One specific question which popped into my mind was about Orbiting Death. First of all, is its damage affected by Mire?

Secondly, if it is, do you have to turn on Orbiting Death *after* you use the Mire power, or can you just leave Orbiting Death toggled on, and its damage will increase once you use Mire?



Yes, Orbiting is a toggle that will stay on, so long as you do not switch out of human. And yes, it's damage will be buffed by either human or dwarf mire.

The old guides are still useful - not much as changed powers wise for quite a while. I'm not sure if the older guides talk about IO's though. If they do, then they're basically up to date. As for strategy/powers, go, I'll offer some tips if you want to go tri-form, lemme see if I can order them into coherent thoughts.

Slot Nova's AoE's and Blast. The Bolt can be slotted once/if you have slots elsewhere. (I've never slotted the bolt on mine, and probably will only do so if I change to a more PvP-enabled build, or am going for specific set bonuses) Slot them like any normal ranged/AoE attack.

Dwarf's single attacks and Mire needs some slots - just enough to make them effective. When you get into the 40's and have a lot more slots, you can spend time getting them built up more. Mire when slotted well can crank out some damage.

Quasar - standard nuke. I enjoy it, just for the sake of double miring and then unloading it. (Human Mire (lasts 30 secs) -> Dwarf Mire (lasts 10? secs) -> immediately into Human to nuke)

Unchain Essence is there if you want it, you might need the slots to beef up the forms though. Some people like it even on Tri builds, but I still think firing the two AoE's in Nova will be more effective.

Shadow Blast isn't too bad for tagging stragglers if you happen to be in human at the moment.

Orbiting is not something I'd suggest for a tri-former. It's a standard PBAoE damage toggle, but does less damage than most, and will be toggled off as soon as you change forms.

Gravitic Emanation is amazing. I'd recommend 5 or 6 slotting it quickly with dual or tri IO's. It can be perma'd if you use some Acc/Rech/Stun IO's. More on this with strategies.

Gravity Well - mag 3 hold and really nice damage (belongs in both categories, really). Slot it with mez first, then later add damage once you find yourself generally more safe as you play/get used to the 'shade again.

Human Mire, doesn't have to be extensively slotted, but you'll want it working well as mainly a buff power. Other words, focus on Acc/Recharge first, damage later.

Stygian Circle - can also be slotted minimally. I've always used 1 End Mod IO, I think. You can add another or a recharge if you prefer.

Starless Step - useful for taking on low level Q's and V's. And MM's in PvP. :P

Inky Aspect can also be used with a tri-form, just not so much as all-human. Minimal enhancement needed - Acc and Stun I guess. I've only used it a few times, but it's helped during those times.

Eclipse - take immediately. Mine's slottedd 2 Acc/Rech 2 Res/Rech, but you might need another slot or two without any IO bonuses. Use it, love it. It will cap your resistance and stay even when you switch forms. Resistance-capped Nova is sweet.

Dwarf heal needs slotting also - it is very end hungry. Acc/Heal/End I'd say at first, the damage is definitely secondary to the heal.

Dark Extraction is awesome. You'll want it fairly heavily slotted with Rech/Acc/Damage...those buggers are the most damaging pets available blueside, at least that's what I've always heard.

Hasten is really nice, since Eclipse, Mire, Pets, Quasar are all clicks on timers. And hasten's buff carries over to the forms to help the attack chains there. Also, Super Speed + Shadow Cloak = Stealth, which is nice for landing an Eclipse or just stealthing when needed. (Since we also get a free TP Ally power)

Hm...at 39, you'll have all of your tools available. Which is really nice, to say the least. Most of the guilds should have better strategy, and it will still be fine to use.

Emanation + Nova. Approach a spawn. Grav Emanation -> Nova. Can easily kill all or most before they're out of the stun.

Nova in general...try to attack spawn from air, directly above - at least when teaming. This will cause the KB to become KD, and help reduce scatter.

Eh...trying to think of other strategies, I thought I'd have more...just learn to be aware of what's available. Hard boss ahead? Grav Em + Inky until you can stack Gravity Wells to hold him. Or just use Dwarf. Or Nova, then when low on health use Stygian, while using the occasional KB as protection. Choices are up to you. Eclipse when needed/can, and you're basically indestructible. At least while it's up. :P

Stygian allows you to skip Stamina, which is nice. Use it after every fight, and you'll be full health/end for the next one.

If you need build help, there's several threads on the 1/2/3rd pages of this kheld section that have good tri-form builds, try checking those out and see what you think.



Originally Posted by Square_One View Post
Yes, Orbiting is a toggle that will stay on, so long as you do not switch out of human. And yes, it's damage will be buffed by either human or dwarf mire.
So, if you have Orbiting up and then you use Mire, the next few "ticks" of Orbiting damage will be increased?

Originally Posted by Square_One View Post
Dwarf's single attacks and Mire needs some slots - just enough to make them effective. When you get into the 40's and have a lot more slots, you can spend time getting them built up more. Mire when slotted well can crank out some damage.
What would you recommend slotting in Mire?

Originally Posted by Square_One View Post
Eclipse - take immediately. Mine's slottedd 2 Acc/Rech 2 Res/Rech, but you might need another slot or two without any IO bonuses. Use it, love it. It will cap your resistance and stay even when you switch forms. Resistance-capped Nova is sweet.
Is it possible/easy to have perma-Eclipse?

Originally Posted by Square_One View Post
Hasten is really nice, since Eclipse, Mire, Pets, Quasar are all clicks on timers. And hasten's buff carries over to the forms to help the attack chains there. Also, Super Speed + Shadow Cloak = Stealth, which is nice for landing an Eclipse or just stealthing when needed. (Since we also get a free TP Ally power)
Interesting... I didn't know they stacked.

Originally Posted by Square_One View Post
If you need build help, there's several threads on the 1/2/3rd pages of this kheld section that have good tri-form builds, try checking those out and see what you think.
I'm just unsure which ones are up to date.

What date did they buff the Khelds?



Originally Posted by Selenir View Post
So, if you have Orbiting up and then you use Mire, the next few "ticks" of Orbiting damage will be increased?
Yep, until the buff wears out - which is 30 seconds for the human mire.

Originally Posted by Selenir View Post
What would you recommend slotting in Mire?
Oh, for SOs, I'd go Acc/Acc/Rech/Rech...maybe replace an Acc with a Dam, but I like to reliably hit things moreso than damage on a buff power. With IO's, there's more options of course. Acc/Rech, Acc/Dam/Rech, Acc/Dam, Dam/Rech - some kind of mix of those. Maybe 2 Acc/Rech, Acc/Dam/Rech and a Dam?

Originally Posted by Selenir View Post
Is it possible/easy to have perma-Eclipse?
I have three-slotted Hasten and ~88% global recharge, and I have a few seconds of leeway. (With Eclipse slotted 2 Acc/Rech and 2 Res/Rech) So yes, it's possible. Easy depends on how much inf you are willing to spend. 88% isn't a whole lot, relatively speaking.

Originally Posted by Selenir View Post
Interesting... I didn't know they stacked.
I use that on a lot of my toons since I enjoy Hasten most the time anyway. Other "Stealth" powers don't stack, but Super Speed will with one. I think a stealth IO will also stack with Stealth or Super Speed as well to give full invis.

Originally Posted by Selenir View Post
I'm just unsure which ones are up to date.
What date did they buff the Khelds?
If by "ones" you mean posts on this forum - we kheld users don't post that sporadically...

I checked out the 12th page of posts, and found a post discussing the change to the WS Dwarf Mire and how to better slot it. So there's plenty of info that is up to date, since that was part of the improvements.

It was awhile back. I can't remember the date, but the buffs to khelds mainly involved:
1) Khelds now get the inherent bonuses even while in forms.
2) Dwarf form can be activated like a break-free. aka, if you are mezed, you can go into Dwarf regardless.
3) Warshade Dwarf Mire was changed to shorter recharge, shorter duration and more damage(?) - works kind of like an AoE Follow-up, which is pretty nice. Can't do double miring + Nova as well because of the shorter duration, but can still do double mire + Nuke.
4) Can't remember if damage was increased for some powers...maybe someone else can chime in if they remember any more important changes or the specific patch notes.



Originally Posted by Square_One View Post
It was awhile back. I can't remember the date, but the buffs to khelds mainly involved:
1) Khelds now get the inherent bonuses even while in forms.
2) Dwarf form can be activated like a break-free. aka, if you are mezed, you can go into Dwarf regardless.
3) Warshade Dwarf Mire was changed to shorter recharge, shorter duration and more damage(?) - works kind of like an AoE Follow-up, which is pretty nice. Can't do double miring + Nova as well because of the shorter duration, but can still do double mire + Nuke.
4) Can't remember if damage was increased for some powers...maybe someone else can chime in if they remember any more important changes or the specific patch notes.
Nova form gets a damage buff of 45% IIRC.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
Nova form gets a damage buff of 45% IIRC.
I thought that was always there? I remember having one before the changes.