
Adeon Hawkwood



I think everyone missed the part where whip attacks aren't melee attacks.

The hellfire whip, dealing fire and toxic damage, reduces its target's resistance with searing, torturous hellfire. Unlike typical Mastermind attacks, hellfire whip attacks (except Corruption) have a much shorter range. Crack Whip and Lash with a hellfire whip have a longer range than melee attacks, but much shorter range than ranged attacks. The fire-, cold-, and hellfire-based attacks of the demons provide a variety of secondary effects.
You're gonna need to get closer, but not right in there.




Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
All the MM summons take exactly the same ammount for the summon animation and the pets to be 'free' and movable. The end part of bots animations, for example, is interuptable. As in, once they are 'ready' they will skip the animation and being moving/attacking etc.
I would figure Demons will do the same.
Are you sure about that? the merc walkie-talkie animation seems to take longer than most.



with these new cool-looking henchmen, maybe the existing ones will eventually get a revamp? The Oni sure could use some facial reconstructive surgery. I would love to drag him into the facemaker, kicking and screaming and clawing the ground.



In the immortal words of Jayne Cobb, "I'll be in my bunk."