Grav/Elec Dom: Will it Blend?
I'm going to say put Dimension Shift in your second build. Most would outright tell you to avoid it like the plague but I say it's a specialized move that you should practice with and see if it suits your playstyle. If you don't like it, it's not on your main build. It's essentially a pause button for ambushes or over aggroing. It has higher accuracy than your true AOE hold but you can't effect your enemies at all until Dimension Shift ends which is a set 30 seconds.
I recommend Grav/Energy instead. The additional soft control Energy provides helps Grav's early game quite a bit. Electric is a great set, but the soft control isn't nearly what Energy's is. I had a Grav/Elec and rerolled to Grav/Energy just because Grav really, really needs the extra help.
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My City of Heroes Blog Freedom Feature Article: "Going Rageless?"
If you only read one guide this year, make it this one.
Super Reflexes: the Golden Fox of power sets!

WARNING: I bold names.

I got up to level 10, and so far I'm enjoying the challenge. It lacks control in the early levels, no doubt, but I'm doing fairly well with just Lift and Gravity Anchor. Build up is on the way at level 16, and the ToHit buff, though not as good as Aim, will be as welcome as the added damage.
I'm hoping that getting Gravity Distortion Field and Wormhole will help meet my control needs before I get Singularity.
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I've got one in the mid 30s now.
Up until level 31 you feel a bit weak on AoE everything, both control and damage, but then Wormhole and Static Discharge come along at 26 and 28. Once you've got them slotted up its much more workable, and a very visually engaging set.
Static Discharge is my absolute favourite power for both the visuals (lightning arcs to every foe in the cone) and the XxXxX-RAK! noise it makes.
I havent really stretched the build, just played him in duos with my other characters doing +2/x0 PVE, but its certainly competent enough for that.
Got mine perma'd at 45 at the current moment, the extra recharge makes it a pretty nice set, spam the AoE Immo and Static Discharge, on top of that, I have soft cap S/L/E/ and Ranged so just as I keep foes at range I am pretty safe.
But I would aim for more global recharge so that your AoE controls are up more and so Static Discharge is up more and if you take the patron AoE that would be up more to help with damage as well, and extra pets are always a nice thing to have.
"Yes, winning all the time can be boring."
"It's amazing how well you can put up with endurance issues if you hide them under a large enough pile of bodies."
-Spiritchaser speaking on Dom Revamp
I don't know very much about either Gravity or Electric Assault, and I had an idea for a Mu Dom that this combination seems made for. I rolled it up to level 2 before logging, and I liked the Star Wars Dark Side-esque look to the toon, what with the waving hands and raising people into the air and then electrocuting them. The fact that you can also punch/electrocute them makes it even better, as does the reality warping as you get higher leveled.
What should I expect this character to be like, progression-wise? Are there powers I should absolutely avoid? Is this a viable Dominator that people will want to team with? WILL IT BLEND?
Too many alts to list.