Psy/Dev blaster




I've got on mid's and been working on a psy/dev build. Was told to work for max HP and -KB so that's where I started. Seems that I've got those sets where they need to be and room left to work, what other bonuses should I try for? Is the stun power worth taking for PvP? Also any advice on power pool sets, so far I'm working on fitness, speed, leaping, and leadership. With targeting drone and tactics both figured I shouldn't miss very often, should I consider something else instead maybe medicine or concealment?



I have a fire dev blaster that I really like. Caltrops make a stalker lose hide, and that's where taser can come in handy. Personally, I like medicine over tactics with my blaster to have a little help in between hoarfrost. That's going to be preference though. Targeting drone does well for the +tohit around 21% depending on how you slot targeting drone.

If you do get aid self, get two intrpt redc, and 4 numinas and you will get off aid self more often than not.

You don't need the concealment pool, just go to ww and get etheral shift if want you phase every once in a while.

Aim for 41 kb, and if you really wanna drive people crazy, slot the placate proc.



If you post up a build it is alot easier for ppl to help you out.

After HP and KB, go for Dam and Rech.



What Firi Said.

Don't forget to load up on as many dmg procs as your budget allows.