Want to be a part of the future?
What's the background/theme for the group?
@Mazzo Grave

Webmaster Grave, Virtueverse!
Energy/Energy Blaster Guide
The background/theme is that the group is based in a pocket dimension created by a group of Rikti War veterans in 2002. They originally planned to turn their backs on the world, and evacuated to the dimension with a few thousand hand-picked citizens. They began to feel guilty recently, with the resurgence of the Rikti War and the other tragedies affected Paragon City. As a result, several of the heroes have returned to Primal Earth with the goal of using their pocket dimension's resources to fight against the Rikti and other villains of Primal Earth.
@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian

Gotta say, that's an interesting concept. Good luck with it.
Thank you. We are still recruiting for leadership positions and regular membership positions for any who are interested.
@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian

The Paragonian Protectorate is a new RP-optional group that is forming on the server. We need members and experienced players to serve as leaders in order for the group to get off the ground. We do have a functioning website (paragonian.guildportal.com) and a background history. This early in development, we are willing to offer rapid advancement oppurtunities for new members. In addition, we will be offering strong support of fan fiction and AE arcs created by members. Either PM me here at the forums, contact me in-game with a tell to @Vauluur, or post on our website for more information or to join. Don't miss this chance to become a part of creating something new!
@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian