Virtue Issues - Steel Canyon




Hey, just wanted to warn my fellow Virtue'ers (if that's spelled right.) that somethings up with steel canyon(At least for me). After a mapserve, I could no longer log back into a character. When I went in with another, my game is stuck at the loading screen. Just wanted to bring this to my fellow player's attention. Hopefully this isn't just me, and I am not spamming the boards. I will try to get in as another character in the mean time.

Edit: Alright...seem's like it solved itself...sorry for the spam.

50's (Only most important)
Zuraq (53 EM/SR Brute)
Stagmalite (50 Granite/Fire TanK)
(Couple of other's I don't care about.)



Huh... probably just a coincidence but I locked up tonight trying to enter Steel Canyon from the Midnighter's Club. Had to quit out from the task manager and restart the game to get back in.