I'm bad with Khelds




So, I was thinking of (once again) rolling up a Kheld and seeing what I can do with it. I've never been able to take one very far, so my knowledge is WAY too limited. I was wondering if any regulars could offer up advice (and if you're really nice, a build or two) for my benefit.

The main idea I was thinking of was primarily solo play, with a focus on Nova/Dwarf forms. No real preference between PB and WS, just a good balance of solid offense (admittedly not as easy in Dwarf) and solid defense (likewise with Nova). And if possible, minimal to no set IO's.

Many thanks.

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



I personally found Peacebringers easier to start with than Warshades, but it really comes down to individual preference. End game Warshades are much more satisfying than Peacebringers IMHO.

In either case, the first piece of advice I give anyone starting a new kheld is to burn a vetspec at 6, making sure you take Nova. When it comes time to slot all your powers, take advantage of the respec bug and pre-slot your nova attacks with the level 3 and level 5 slots. Slot them for damage, because with the tohit buff nova gives you you'll have no problem hitting anything at this level.

Then at level seven slot your nova AoE's with one more slot each, and at level nine slot the single target nova attacks one each. Then do a Positron TF and bingo! You're within striking range of 20 and can take dwarf. At some point after 20 you may want to run a respec tf or burn another vet/freespec to slot again based on playstyle.

Don't bother with pool powers other than hasten if you're going to be in nova or dwarf the whole time. They don't carry over to the forms unless they're click powers.

Exceptions to that rule: Stealthing. You might pick up super speed if you're going Warshade to stack the stealth with Shadow Cloak. If you're a Peacebringer, you can use invisibility and a bind to toggle off invisibility and activate incandescent strike with one keystroke (click the kheldian binds link in my sig for the structure). Stealth is really useful for pre-fight positioning or taking out quantums and voids.

As far as a build, I couldn't post anything better than Plasma's Gold Standard builds in his guide. They won't be the exact builds you'll have, and I'm sure there are better ones around as far as maxing damage or recharge, but for straight-up SO general purpose builds they can't be beat.

Human Form powers to take in the early levels:

Peacebringer: Build up, Essence Boost, Radiant Strike and Incandescent Strike.
Warshade: Sunless Mire, Shadow Blast, Gravity Well. Shadow Cloak if you're stealthing.

Mid levels:

Peacebringer: Reform Essence, Conserve Power, Quantum Flight, Solar Flare (Unless you hate KB)
Warshade: STYGIAN CIRCLE!!! Gravitic Emanation, Unchain Essence, Inky Aspect (although some dislike it)

Above 30:
Peacebringer, Photon Seekers, Dawn Strike, Light Form (Light form is problematic if you're not spending much time in human form, since it prevents form changing)
Warshade: Dark Extraction, Quasar, ECLIPSE!!!

YMMV, and You probably knew a lot of that. If you have want any specific playstyle hints, those can be provided too.

You know, someone should start a "Tactics" thread that covers situational tactics for different spawns so the community can weigh in and discuss....

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Could you elaborate on the bug that allows you to "Pre-slot" your nova attacks with a respec? I have a level 12ish Warshade, and he currently seems semi anemic in both the damage and survivability areas.

I really want to like my warshade, but the only time I feel powerful is if I run into a group of mobs, pop my mire, shift to nova, and pop the two aoes to massacre the group. The only problem is that I'm then left with about 30% health!



Originally Posted by JLane View Post
Could you elaborate on the bug that allows you to "Pre-slot" your nova attacks with a respec? I have a level 12ish Warshade, and he currently seems semi anemic in both the damage and survivability areas.

I really want to like my warshade, but the only time I feel powerful is if I run into a group of mobs, pop my mire, shift to nova, and pop the two aoes to massacre the group. The only problem is that I'm then left with about 30% health!
Sure. Just do a respec and pick your powers like normal. Then, when you go to start placing slots, scroll down and look at the powers in the far right column where the inherent powers are. The nova attacks are inherent powers granted after nova is taken. You'll notice they're open for slotting.

Because it's a respec, and power selection takes place before slot selection, the inherents will be available for slotting right away.

Whether it's a bug that's low on the priority list or something that has become "WAI" over the years I couldn't tell you, but I know it really helps the early levels for khelds.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Wow, that is pretty handy! Granted, it is a bug, but (being a bit of a min-maxer from prior games) I hated having to slot the first couple powers because I felt they were so sub-par!

Thanks for the great feedback. If you ever need a fledgling Warshade to take under your wing, I'd love to learn a bit more from you! I've read the guides/stickies and theorized a bit on my own, but nothing beats good old fashioned experience.

Thanks again!