All VEAT SF Marathon




We ran one in July, so why not do it again.

Please step up for an all VEAT SF. What's the plan you say? Well, we plan on running:

Lord Recluse 45 to 50 25 Merits
Virgil Tarikoss 15 to 20 12 Merits
Silver Mantis 20 to 25 38 Merits
Operative Renault 25 to 30 22 Merits
Ice Mistral 35 to 40 25 Merits
on Feb 21 (the day after Hami) at 3PM EST 12PST.

For the RSF, grab some nukes and Shivans, because we are just going to bum rush the final 8.

So far

Operative Sprengdoff (@sayto)

Who else wants to join the party?

(new thread, because the taggers did not like the title of the last)

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



If I'm free, I'll join you for a SF or so.

Bane Spider: Operative Rogue

"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q



Depending on what time my son is done with his playoffs:

Operative Rican lvl 50 Fort.



I'll go for as long as I can, but I can't be positive that I'll be able to stay for the RSF. I have SfS at 8 Eastern.

Still gives me a good four/four-'n'-a-half hours, though.

50 Bane - Ex-Arbiter (who I'll probably use)
50 Widow - Etona



if ya move it to the week after, or maybe Fri/Sat, you can have my hired gun, as since Sunday is Monday for me and im working .... exact same thing happend last time, you guys had it on sunday and i had school



Sure, I can give you a hand.

If somebody you're arguing with goes off the deep end, don't follow.



come on... PLEASE change it to next week..... i beg of you..... ill give you a cookie!.... ill do anything if you move it to next week.... my huntsbane needs to lvl up and ive done enough solo work..... and theres no teams on vill side..... EVER



Originally Posted by Smite_King View Post
come on... PLEASE change it to next week..... i beg of you..... ill give you a cookie!.... ill do anything if you move it to next week.... my huntsbane needs to lvl up and ive done enough solo work..... and theres no teams on vill side..... EVER
If ur looking for teams, I play mostly redside and would be thrilled to have some like-minded company. Let me know what times work for you, and i'd be glad to help.



Don't know if there'll be room, but I'll be showing up in case there is or in case someone else doesn't show up.

Edit: But my VEATs aren't high enough for the RSF yet.

Trickshooter's Characters | @Trickshooter @Brightside



If I'm on, and you need a guy, just let me know, Vega. (No way I can commit to a marathon though )

"Can play" is not a binary. It's a float.
There are some pretty low values of "can play" out there.

The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off



Originally Posted by Smite_King View Post
come on... PLEASE change it to next week..... i beg of you..... ill give you a cookie!.... ill do anything if you move it to next week.... my huntsbane needs to lvl up and ive done enough solo work..... and theres no teams on vill side..... EVER
I'll setup another one soon, but have people committed to Sunday.

As with the last one, we will run the RSF first, and take it from there.

Meet up by the Arbiter in GV for RSF. As people drop, I will holler in globals. the last one was pretty fast.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho