Rookie Needs Help.




I was thinking of building a Fire/* Scrapper. What should I go with for a secondary, and yes I already know Regen is the Roxxorz... SO, not including that, what else is good?
I was thinking WP or Elec. WP has the HP and the protection from confuse and fear but no End protection, except for QR. Elec has the Dmg Aura for those pesky Stalkers and HUGE End protection, but no Fear or Confuse protection. Elec also has the +spd buff. Suggestions, comments, concerns, experience?



Regen is the only good Scrapper secondary. Everything else is mediocre.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
Regen is the only good Scrapper secondary. Everything else is mediocre.
How come Regen is so GOOD? I played with my regen and got owned quite a few times; albiet I was using a toon that was not full slotted with IO's and is a DB primary know, but he's I am rolling a new toon. Since I've played regen a fair amount I wanted to try some other things. Always heard WP is like Regen used to be, looks pretty sturdy to boot. So why isn't it as good as Regen?



Originally Posted by Ghost_Ripper View Post
How come Regen is so GOOD? I played with my regen and got owned quite a few times; albiet I was using a toon that was not full slotted with IO's and is a DB primary know, but he's I am rolling a new toon. Since I've played regen a fair amount I wanted to try some other things. Always heard WP is like Regen used to be, looks pretty sturdy to boot. So why isn't it as good as Regen?
wp lacks a self heal on scrappers - but has some good res/def and you can drop the fitness pool so you can pick up aidself...I like RTTC too for stalkers in zones and for mobs in farms.