How much Inf is destroyed at the market every day?
It would be possible, but a huge undertaking.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
Not enough, I would say.
I'm not sure it would be possible at all with the market tools available. Part of the problem is that for anything that is purchased in bulk (such as salvage) the last 5 displayed is (from waht I can see) the last 5 transactions not the last 5 items. So when it says that there was a purchase at a certtain time that could actually be up to 10 purchases.
Would it be possible to calculate the Inf destroyed from Purples alone?
Let's try and get a two-orders-of-magnitude idea what the common salvage market looks like.
I don't know if this will help with "inf destruction calcuations" but when the Luck Charmers were taking control of the entire Luck Charm market in order to free it [... paved with the BEST intentions...] there were very roughly 500 LC's a day going through, on a weekday, heroside. Two or three times that many on a weekend.
Giant guesses that I'm happy to hear better ideas on:
1) Villainside has about 1/3 the volume of heroside
2) Two and a half times as many items of salvage on a weekend as on a weekday (so "ten days a week" of salvage- 5 weekdays, 2*2.5 weekends)
3) four times as many midlevel, and four times as many high level, items of salvage created and sold as low level ones.
4) The average sale price for a piece of common salvage is 10,000 inf. This includes all the spikes to a million, just as it includes all those improvised cybernetics at 10.
For common salvage, our guess is 5000 Luck Charms a week, and about 20,000 Alchemical Silver a week, heroside. So 6250 and 25K counting both sides. There are 12 pieces of low end common salvage, 12 mid-end and 12 high-end: 75K low end, 300K mid and 300K high end per week. 675K items total. At 10K per item sale price, that's 6.75 billion inf per week, which burns 675 million.
So unless I'm off by two orders of magnitude on the low end, a week of common salvage involves spending less inf than a day of one type of purple IO.
Now there are only about ten purple IO's and at least five of them (the sleep, immob, confuse, pet, and stun- maybe the hold too) are relatively cheap .
So saying "One purple set burns ten times as much inf as all common salvage" is not as big a deal as you might think.
If we look at rare salvage- and the big guess here is "Rare and common are generated from tickets in the same proportion as they drop", which is probably wrong- we get roughly 1/25 as much rare salvage as common. Rare salvage goes for highly variable prices- let's pretend the average is 1 million. 675K common salvage/25 = 27K rare salvage a week. 27 billion inf spent, 2.7 billion inf a week burned.
... my numbers may be off by a factor of 2. I was BUYING 500 luck charms a day [with considerable help from the rest of the Conspiracy] and selling an equal number. Hardly anyone flips commons, but for rares there's up to a factor of 2 more inf burned. I don't think anything gets flipped twice, but maybe.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
How much Inf is destroyed at the market every day?
Or perhaps, roughly how much?
This question can be compartmentalized. For example, one could look at Purple recipes, redside, so far today. As of 5:40PM Eastern time...
Apocalypse, Recipes and enhancements. A total of 6,818 million were sold today. These transactions removed 681 million from the game.
Would it be possible to organize a project to estimate, at least in a minimal way, the amount of Inf removed every day, on average, from the game?