Attention Justice!!




From the CoH Facebook page in case you has not seen it.

Issue 17: Dark Mirror

• New badges, new missions and new player emotes
• Epic Archetypes now available at level 20
• Improvements and additions to Mission Architect
• Enhancements to UI and game systems
• And more

But that is not all the news we have in store for you!

Remember Going Rogue? That's right, how could you forget? Well, you have the opportunity to get access to the Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning power sets in March and April, if you pre purchase City of Heroes Going Rogue (MSRP $29.99 USD)! You will also be able to get your hands on an exclusive item pack if you get the City of Heroes Going Rogue: Complete Collection (MSRP $39.99 USD), that will be available when Going Rogue releases in July!

What's in that item pack, you ask?

Well, a few nifty things like:
• Alpha- and Omega-themed auras
• Alpha and Omega themed costumed sets
• Four stance emotes
• The Shadowy Presence invisibility power

Is this too much for you to handle?

Hang in there, this year promises to be a fantastic one in City of Heroes® and we've got more details for you on these different offers coming soon!



How much are they paying you?



Wonder how long before there are pics of those costume sets/emotes/etc.

Also, that video is shamefully funny.



Originally Posted by Gaderath View Post
Also, that video is shamefully funny.
That only shame involved is that the scene was not in the actual movie.



Originally Posted by Ignicity View Post
How much are they paying you?
More than You

On Justice
Global @Desi Nova Twitter: @desi_nova Steam: Desi_nova. I don't do Xbox or PS3



Originally Posted by Desi_Nova View Post
More than You

Awesome post Desi, just like your blaster guide!