Statesman TF on an Invul/SS Tank




Hi, guys.

It's been a while since I busted out my Invul/SS tank, and I'm feeling the itch to try him on the Statesman TF.

I've done the Statesman TF on my 50 Stone/Stone Tank, so I know how hard Recluse can hit before the Damage Tower goes down.

My Invul/SS Tank has Tough, but no special IO sets to speak of.

Any recommendations on how to handle the Big R? I'm thinking that you'd pretty much have to lure him into chasing you rather than stand toe to toe ...

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LR isn't your only problem. You've got 3 other things working against you durring this TF:

Psi damage from Fortunatas, Widows, Tarantuala queens, and Barracuda. Granted you won't face too much of any at once, but i've seen some scary moments due to these.

Dr. Aeon. If you fail to use the tree temp power correctly, he AND his clones will have huge buffs and will tear you apart. Just had this happen last night on a master run and the poor tank was down in 3 seconds.

Ghost Widow: she has a MAG 100 hold which does 500 damage per second or something ridiculous like that. You'll need someone with Clear Mind, Increase Density, or some other mez resist power to spam it on you when facing her Note that the attack can STILL hit and do damage, even if the mez doesn't apply; keep an eye on your health bar so you know when to hit DP. Speaking of heals, she has THREE of them, 2 of which are melee-ranged, and she can also Cage you. So standing your ground while everyone hits her from behind is workable, but if you're doing a Master run, it's best not to take any chances and keep her at range by running backwards around the airstrip and tanting her.

As for Lord Recluse, the Blue Tower is actually your biggest problem. It increases LRs Attack Speed, ToHit (Some people say this is what the orange tower does, but I've noticed Recluse's ability to hit me drop after blue goes down, so, w/e) and status affliction (i think), which makes your defense worthless. Here's what you want:

A pocket healer. A Emp or Kin or Dark will do nicely.

You want to stand on the Green Tower's platform. It counts as an enemy and will give you an extra tick on Invincibility, and will also allow the Kin or Dark to heal you.

LARGE inspirations. Before fighting LR, go to your SG base and stock up on large (tier 3) purple and orange candy... and get some large blues, too. See, LR has a massive end drain/recovery attack that WILL make your life miserable (and short) if it hits. This is even worse than getting damaged, because HP can be recovered easily... Endurance, not so much unless the pocket Kin is paying attention.

So once you're all set, pop TWO of each of the purple and orange candys, then run in and taunt Recluse from melee. Then jump to the green tower... remember to stand ON its platform. Continue taunting... do NOT attack! Pop one of each of the purple and orange insps every minute until both the red and blue towers are down. After that, if you have sufficient outside buffs, you can pretty much go afk. Remember to move Recluse to the corner or doorway once the team is ready to take out the green tower and from there he's just a big bag of HP (you have to move him there because otherwise the flier may spawn right on top of you and make things.. interesting). He'll summon lvl 54 Bosses but your team can AoE them or pin them using any number of abilities.

I've successfully done the STF on Master with my Invuln/EM, and yes I have IOs, but they're a non-factor. You already need outside help to have sufficient defense/resist/recharge/etc to stand against Recluse regardless of your build, IOs are just icing on the cake.

Remember: Buffs, inspirations, stand on tower. You'll be good =)


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
Hi, guys.

It's been a while since I busted out my Invul/SS tank, and I'm feeling the itch to try him on the Statesman TF.

I've done the Statesman TF on my 50 Stone/Stone Tank, so I know how hard Recluse can hit before the Damage Tower goes down.

My Invul/SS Tank has Tough, but no special IO sets to speak of.

Any recommendations on how to handle the Big R? I'm thinking that you'd pretty much have to lure him into chasing you rather than stand toe to toe ...
I generally have no problem with LR on my Inv/Stone tanker, even without any support from the team. I've found it's easier tanking the STF with my Inv/Stone than with my Stone/Fire tanker, strictly because of the mobility issues inherent in Stone Armor.

There's three rough spots in the STF as a tanker; first the fight with Aeon, then Ghost Widow and LR. Taking these in turn:

1. Aeon. One of the mistakes commonly made with him is leading off with the Tree temp power then having him be untouchable for a few seconds and ignore your taunt. The problem is that he doesn't raise his shield until he aggros... while the Tree power WILL drop his shield after he raises it even if you lead off with it he still gets several seconds of protection.

The easiest way around this is to have your friendly controller drop a pet, ideally Phantom Army on him to eat the alpha then you can follow them in and hit the temp power AFTER he's aggro'd and raised his shield.

2. Ghost Widow. For Ghostie there's two basic strategies... either stay at range of her to prevent her from using her heals or make sure everyone in melee, including yourself, have near-soft capped negative energy defense. Remember her heal must hit in order to work, and all of her damage is negative. Personally I always want to get GW out of the way first; she's by far the most dangerous of the patron AV's and you really don't want her to suddenly decide to crash the party.

3. Lord Recluse. If you don't have outside buffs such as sonic shields or force fields then your best friend is your inspiration tray. My basic loadout for LR is 10 medium/large purples, 5 large oranges and 5 large greens. While the Blue tower's up you need 75% defense to floor his accuracy... if you're soft capped at 45% normally then one large purple per minute is enough. While the Red tower's up he hits like a truck so the oranges can come in handy... I always pop a couple in order to handle his alpha.

I HIGHLY recommend staying in melee with LR; one of his ranged attacks is a truly nasty endurance drain... it can and will drain you dry in one shot. The good news is he won't use it in melee. Likewise Invincibility interrupts his Bane summon so you won't worry about hordes of 54 bosses appearing while the team kills the towers. Best of all though is to have one of the defender/controllers toss a toggle debuff on him, this WILL prevent any Bane summon prior to his 20% health "pet nuke".

My strategy for LR is to eat 2 large oranges, one large purple and jump into melee with him. I taunt, then withdraw slowly to the corner behind the green tower while someone else tosses Rad Infection on him. (Snow Storm, Darkest Night and other toggle debuffs work equally well.)

While I'm holding him in the far corner the rest of the team kills the Red tower then goes on to the Blue, Yellow and Green. Once the Red tower drops you can stop worrying about orange inspirations and once the Blue tower drops you can stop maintaining purples. If LR gets through with a big hit then pop Dull Pain. If he gets you again use a Green. Unless your team has severe problems with the tower you shouldn't run short of purple or green inspirations.

Anyway, if you build your Inv tanker to the defense soft cap you'll find that you're nearly as durable as your Stoner; the only times I've had problems on the STF were when the repairmen were bugged a while back and the team couldn't kill the Red tower. After almost 10 minutes of them trying and failing I ran out of purples & greens and dropped.

Summarizing my LR strategy:
  1. Pop 2 large Orange and 1 large Purple and jump into melee, taunting and leading him into a corner. A teammate's toggle debuff on LR prevents any Bane summons. Taunt on Auto is a good idea here.
  2. Maintain 1 orange and 1 purple until the Red tower drops.
  3. Maintain 1 purple until the Blue tower drops.
  4. Once Red & Blue are gone you can let the inspirations expire.
  5. Dull Pain is available for when LR gets lucky... if he gets lucky again eat a green inspiration.
  6. Once all towers are gone keep LR pointed away from the team while everyone takes him down as normal. Remember he has a small radius PBAOE that will hit melee behind him... squishies should stand back.
  7. Drop him like a bad habit and enjoy your shiny new Centriole.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.



I can tank the whole shebang with any type of tanker or scrapper for that matter if I really wanted. This, if the team is co-operable, wouldn't necessarily require pocket emps, kins or any defender or controller in the team. The game wasn't built that way. The holy trinity, is more for those bite sized players who are too involved with other games to really get down on this one.

You can forsake all things rulebook-like (thats where people tell you what you want and need) and think outside of the box. Start with, what all the AVs can and can't do. If you can honestly submit that you have worked out how to do the job with any tank for atleast a trick archer then you have got "there". Once there, then it is within the gaming spirit to let other people be challenged the way you have and say nothing of how. There are tanks on this forum whom I'd consider from what they've put, already with the AVs, start with RV.

Sure as eggs is eggs I am only saying all this so that some unaware people (of which those already in this thread may not be one of) do know that seriously some people didn't have to pick up certain sets at the power selection screen. The devs left "no one" in the "^$% potential-wise.

However people like to play as they do for whatever reason and may not like the idea behind the alternative methods and I respect that. It's the "Oh your Elec, we are looking for a Stonetank for the STF" that I dislike.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.