/Emp troller question
It actually has to do with Phantom Army adding targeting disruption to the other team.
Im not sure I see any Ill/Emps run SI, though Im sure there are some. The fact is, between support toons and disruption toons, its easy to spot someone at the hero stealth cap.
Yeah just PA and phantasm (which also spawns a decoy) for targeting disruption. No reason to be Ill these days other than that. SI is completely useless because of stealth+stealth IO.
I think most Ill/emps were just made back in the day when it actually meant something.
Is targeting disruption important in team pvp in arena matches?
Kind of - the stupid pa is so slow and the phantasm is like a glowing arrow pointing at you (here is the emp!!) lol. Before the test ladder fell apart I was working on a fire/emp troller - the imps are much faster and sort of bounce all over the place.
The confuse is nice on ill and there is lots of slotting for +hp supermax is correct though si uses way more end than stealth and stealth io
I notice that lots of PVP /Emp trollers are illusion as primary.
I am assuming that is because of Superior Invis but is that really necessary since you can just get stealth+stealth IO?
Are there still other reasons to be Ill/ for team pvp?