Replace aggro hardcap with diminishing returns




Originally Posted by Shard_Warrior View Post
I think that's quite an overstatement.
lol, I know, I shouldn't say every team was doing it. We just need one team to do something different to make my statement invalid. But I guess people get the idea, and you actually know what happened.



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
based on what ive seen in game from actual experience using most of the powers mentioned (rain of arrows, blizzard, freezing rain, ect with the exception of rain of fire), ive used them on mobs way larger than 16 enemies and taken out a single mob of 25 with blizzard, the only thing left alive in the mob was the bosses because they have enough hp to survive the massive DoT from bizzard, same can be said for rain of arrows, ive taken out whole mobs with it before (assuming i had enough dmg buff), even without dmg buffs i still hit everything in the mob regardless how big it was.
Originally Posted by ArcticFahx View Post
I know exactly where they get the idea. The rain and burn-type pseudopets tick multiple times per second. Each time, they may hit a *different* 16 enemies. Thus giving the impression that they don't have a target cap.
Each damage tick by a rain power is a separate attack, making it entirely possible to damage or defeat more than 16 targets per use, but they still have a target cap.