Its ironic you should say no fire corrupters, because the first thing that came to mind was a fire/dark corrupter. That being said, you might do well with a dominator that has a -knockback component in their immobilize/hold powers (stone's good for this, or grav). That will help keep mobs grouped for the AoE that bots puts out.
Another option is a brute, any brute will do.
Bots/Dark eh? Let me think.
Another Mastermind will fit with the first one. Dark is a good secondary, and can benefit from stacking or from other buffs. Another bot MM would mean you'd have extra plasma and missiles going off. Thugs has similar capabilities with DEF and AoE damage. Zombies would allow you to stack more -ToHit and mez effects like immobilize and fear. Dark, FF, Pain, Thermal, and Traps are all good picks for secondary, and something you can use to support both of you at the same time. Or you could just go Storm for totally ridiculous knockback.
Corruptor would be good if you can get something that won't be overly bothered by the knockback the bots will be doing. The same secondaries apply. Cold and Rad might work too. I don't know if Kin would be that great unless your MM friend is good at keeping pets in melee. For primaries, even though you said no fire, that's probably the one I'd take. But Ice, Rad, and Sonic all have things to contribute too.
Dom is another good choice. Take one that can immobilize and prevent knockback and you can emphasize the AoE damage that bots do. Fire and Plant would be my picks. They both do good damage and have quick-recharge mez powers. I'd personally take Plant because you also get Creepers. For secondaries, anything that does good AoE or has other nice benefits. So Earth, Fire, Psi, or Thorns would probably all do well.
I wouldn't recommend a melee toon honestly. The knockback and scatter the bots will be doing will be a pain.
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
If I be a Corruptor I think I'd be a Sonic/Radiation Emission. If I'm a Dominator I'll be a Plant/???????. Basically I think I've narrowed it down to corruptors/dominators. Just not sure what Dominator or Corruptor to be. I may allow fire now but I want a debuff secondary if Corruptor. Thanks Dispari and Cainus for replying.
I have a L50 Bot/Dark MM so I have a fair idea what works well with it, but I'll try to stick to your criteria.
As a Dominator you may find it futile trying to control things or melee them when his pets are knocking them around (robots do knockback) and doing lots of area damage. Plant/ would probably work reasonably ok as Seeds will bunch spawns up nicely in the MM's debuffs and Creepers are fairly wide area, but you won't be taking much else from your primary except the ST hold and the pet (I have a mid-level Plant/Elec and I'm not). The sleep is pointless with all those BoT AEs (plus it notifies, unlike Mind/'s sleep, so you can't even use it to prep a spawn) and the AE Hold is too short to recommend it when Creepers/Seeds are so much better. The Tree may look like a good idea re your partner's pets, but the regen is very low and he has a really good area heal anyway that's easily spammable (not like he'll have much else to do mid-combat). But your partner presumably has Fearsome Stare and Howling Twilight in his build, so you won't be lacking for control anyway.
Earth/ is nice on Doms too for debuffing and area control, but lots of it is location-based placeables so the pet knockbacks will work against it sometimes. Fire/ and Ice/ really need you in melee range (I'm going to use one of those two with /Earth secondary on a heroic Dom in Going Rogue for that very reason) so not them. Mind/ is great but won't add a lot to this duo (no pet, AE confuse comes late, etc.), and Gravity/ is always hard to recommend on a Dom I find.
For Dom secondary you'd want to avoid melee (knockback can be annoying) so avoid /Earth for sure. /Fire is probably your best bet (full single-target ranged chain, decent cone, +dmg buff) - I've played an Earth/Fire to 50 and I'd have to say that in your duo you're probably going to want to skip Combustion (low damage, DoT, melee PBAE) and Incinerate (DoT, melee) as you'd rarely use/need them, Blazing Bolt has limited use (except as a set mule for the Manticore IOs), Consume can be handy sometimes, but everything else you'll be using constantly.
For Corruptors I think you should consider Ice/Storm, which I've played to L50 (and it was a blast!), as it has quite a bit of synergy with Bot/Dark:
- Firstly you can stack Freezing Rain + Ice Storm, and/or Blizzard, with the Tar Patch and Bot AEs your partner is laying down, and large spawns will just melt away - also all that -spd from the Rains and Tar means enemies won't be going anywhere fast.
- Secondly Ice/ has really good single target damage to handle bosses/EBs - about the only things that won't evaporate under the area damage your partner's bots and your rains will put out.
- Thirdly your Steamy Mist, stacked with /Dark's Shadow Fall, will give full invisibility to both of you and the pets, plus tons of stacked elemental/energy resists (especially if you slot for it - advisable) and status protection - if your partner wants to take the taunt from the Presence pool and tank in bodyguard mode backed by his heals (and yours if you take O2 Boost, though it probably wouldn't be necessary, but also gives status protection) then he'll be even more solid.
- Fourth, he can't complain about your knockback as his pets will be doing lots, so you can use Hurricane and the (mandatory pick) Gale to keep enemies out of melee range of both of you and the bots and even knock them back towards the Tar Patch / Freezing Rain (handy for stuff that isn't affected by the -spd, like Warwolves) - plus you can use Lightning Storm at will (I only really used it on EB/AV fights though).
Thunder Clap is probably skippable (being a melee PBAE low-mag stun), though you could stack it for higher stun magnitude with his Howling Twilight and Photon Grenade (if he takes it - though some of his Bots fire them too). Tornado is potentially skippable too though you may want to keep it for situational use (it does quite a lot of damage to EBs/AVs that can't be KB'd, plus it would be adding up more stun mag and some -def).
Of course you could do a lot of that with a /Storm Mastermind too /shrug.
A /Rad Corruptor would stack quite well with /Dark too and fits your debuff criteria (I've got a L50 Fire/Rad Corruptor that is lots of fun), and any primary works fairly well with it. /Traps and /Trick Arrow would give debuffs as well, though they have a lot of placeable location effects that may not go so well with the Bot knockbacks - though /TA's Oil Slick on top of Tar Patch, lit by the Bots energy attacks, might be fun - and /Traps' Force Field Gen would add a lot of status protection and defence to your partner and his bots if he wants to bodyguard tank. I haven't played either past mid-level though, so I shouldn't give too much advice on them.
Sonic/ is a pretty good primary (I haven't played it past mid-level, but my regular duo partner loves the set), and all that -res and single target damage will help with tough EBs/AVs - Archery/ is very good too for single target and area damage (my favourite blast set - played to L50 once on a blaster, and playing it again on a /TA corr) - plus both of those have a single target stun which could stack with other stuns mentioned above (e.g. to stun a nasty boss, like Malta Gunslingers, which can be pretty nasty against Bots). And it sounds like you don't need me to tell you how good Fire/ is.
Of course if you ever wanted to try Energy Blast then this might be a good duo to do it in, as your partner can't really complain about the knockback, but it won't do as much damage or synergise as effectively as Fire/Ice/Sonic/Archery. Rad/ primary has some decent stuff too (Cosmic Burst is great damage and a stun, so more stun-stacking possibilities), though Irradiate would need you in melee range. Assault Rifle's cones would let you stay back and add more area damage, but you're not really covering the shortage of single target damage in the duo. I haven't played those last two past low level though, so I'll shut-up about them.
If you already have a L50 villain then an Arachnos Soldier going down the Crab path would work well too - lots of area damage to stack with your partner's will wreck large spawns, your Tactical Training buffs will make his pets more solid, and you can also get 6 pets of your own (3 spiderlings, 2 disruptors, 1 patron pet - go Black Scorpion and the arachnobot blaster nicely matches your other pets and does decent damage). It was the first VEAT I got to L50 and it's a lot of fun (though I tend to play it more in its Bane build now).
My friend is using a robot/dark miasma mastermind. I want to team with him, but I dont know what AT I should use. If you have an idea please say the AT, why, and what primary and secondary. Please no corruptors.
Pre thankyou if someone answers.
ok fine corruptors but no fire blast.