Need Help Human Side with My Warshade Build




So, I wanted to tweak my level 50 Warshade build through a respec but keep running in the same problem. I want to maintain the current dominance of the Squid aka Dark Nova and my Rino (some call it a lobster, personally I think it looks more like a Rino) aka Black Dwarf and whatever powers are left to slot, to go to the human side.

The big bugaboo is having powers on my human side that I never will use but it seems I am somewhat "forced" into picking them as my other builds are maxed/slotted out. I thought about maybe giving my travel powers mainly to my human form as I have been using my squid mostly for flying around and rarely ever use my Rino's TP to get anywhere unless I am using him in battle and need to TP on top a platform or such. I think I currently got her with Super Speed as another travel power but everything else seems such a wash.

I guess I have to look and evaluate how my Warshade will be used. I know stealth is nice but not sure what works best with steath, maybe Super Speed as I would be hard to view while moving? The other thought that crossed my mind was what if I tried to make my Human Side the dominate side? Me thinks not so good as the tanking side would suck and she would lack the sheer damage potential of the Squid. Any additional thoughts on this would be great.



This is what I'm using ... rather successfully. Lack of purples makes the build (relatively) cheap(er) to accomplish, although you'll probably need a huge pile of Merits to buy set IOs for many of the rarer enhancements. Whole thing hangs together surprisingly well though.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA6594594F135114C7CFB433B4A5D3963A652BAB5896B21 478312A316EC404039|
|128E28B8AA50C30068BE91404578CC61805D4C4C4FD03F8EA 1AE357F13B68F4C5BD|
|9EE5521B69E0FCEE3DE7FEEF9C7BE79C19591A340156F6801 63E309776DD89E3E99|
|C3B9B9EB27D47338E9DCDD8FE11B779CCCEE5967D00D0B411 9D383C3D6D675D67D1|
|4E1D3B3B994BCF4DEC4775BEB1181FB4FF8BEF5BC8A5A343D 9593B6767F3A98D813|
|93A3F3F973AE8E4B3B6EB467932945D745C67D29973F2CB11 F60CDBB823EEEB9C0B|
|A9E533B379273B0335985212FFAFE111E45730E021220E3D8 F18BD8F054F18FD4F0|
|52F35000B1648A5B10AA01A0701B86E2A0FBAB4ED883280F3 E8F3CA32C3FBD303D0|
|089DBF18DDBF057F183D050178011AE006AA0CB593F102233 1B8892E9F72F9E2887|
|E28C37940A510E860D72D5C15E4240A5AB08B5DA660192321 A50F556AE4F2A13EA2|
|F491718D1E7C1B5745D55D4477D311BC50BFC133BC51E337C EB4F1BBE0878774174|
|DBA13D6695637AF8B092E61A45232322A573D34A95A13AC33 6AEE0AEE31E2F7197E|
|9F5C2AA556DDCC1B5DC68D6AD5016A07E476AFA0AF4E2DAB5 3377EC7A484C4D7A07|
|C6BE86B129FDEF489136FFE2CF822F8CAD8BAD7438FBA8ACB 5B24676849F0D357D0|
|D52A2EBD554ED6B6CE8BDB1E08BAF84EDBFB1961CCBF4325D 121B7BD883B7449AE5|
|A97ECD02D58C2484A4552E2EA155CC0489F8AF489AB5F50AF 178B16FFF007C3A59E|
|00E6148651BDA420A50C9A6995C6E7281C2A55987C8A319D0 A5995D4470F4DC27AB|
|1160D43DAC323EDE191F6D0A53D74698FB267881A08E92515 2CE55A51BAD12B59FC|
|9AE17F2378CB287F27903E8B6C5699A20A8B2A2CAA0A51558 8CAAF17EBD1B04E03B|
|FDBB420C3D83625B005A22ADBAC4A882A21AA84A8DA45D52E 2A835552E196B47852|
|5A3C292D9E9416EF9416EF9416D74925AF56B72C2F45B6C40 4958C5815235ECDF0F|
|D4B0DAC3A2FBD186FA9CBE58FC4FBE2472970A41CED189951 34DA388D4E903949D3|
|53344AD368924C86A6850FC50F61640795C64E32BBC80C905 9A545BE209A2019934|

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



I love my human form on my Tri-form Warshade, but it's probably the hardest o the three forms to figure out. I slotted my Nova up for ranged damage, I slotted my Warshade for duking it out in melee, and I made my human form so that it could Support, Stealth, Stun, Survive, and SLAM!

Support - Sunless Mire and Eclipse boost damage and Resistance for all forms, Stygian Circle is a great recovery power, and Dark Extraction gives you pets that help you fight in all forms.

Stealth - Super Speed and Shadow Cloak will let you go almost everywhere, only fearing Drones or other enemies with very high Perception. This will let you go straight through to the important part of a mission, and then teleport your entire team to your location.

Stun - Gravitic Emanation and Inky Aspect let you herd enemies into a corner and stun everything other than a boss. Useful both on teams and solo, since you can immediately hop back into Nova form and gleefully blast them to shreds while stunned.

Survive - Nebulous Form will let you get out of just about ANY jam as long as you have the foresight to predict a team wipe. When I see two mobs run towards my 3 person team that is already engaging another two, and the scrapper drops, I fire off Nebulous Form and Super Speed and escape to safety, teleporting my team mates to where they can rez. Also, using Nebulous Form makes it easy to use Sunless Mire and Eclipse without relying on a tanker.

SLAM! - Using your TP foe power, it's easy to pull an enemy to your location and use Gravity Well just as they appear, leaving the enemy at your mercy. After it's dead, you have a valuable and versatile tool: Its body. Pulling enemies near the body and then using Unchain Essence on it is a great way to open up on a mob. Human form can incapacitate enemies and then deal nice burst damage, provided you choose the right attacking powers.

That's how mine runs, anyway.

Too many alts to list.