SG/VG Bin access
your sg leader should be able to change leave and take pernissions based on rank in the sg. its at the top of the inventory list next to the show log option.
if this doent help, i have no clue what yer talkin about. gl!
u will have to set it for every storage unit in the base, including insps.
Access to bins is now on a per bin basis. Log onto the leader character, go to each bin, open it, and click on the Show Permissions button. Change the settings so that all your characters have access.
… I can’t seem to be able to take enhancements out of the bin unless I am on my main who is the leader of that SG. There use to be an option that allows me to deny access to all or none of the members to the bins, now I don’t see this option available.

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Thanks for the help.
And any time you add a new bin (inspirations or enhancements or salvage, etc) you have to change the permissions for that bin. It's a really annoying thing to forget to do.
My VG still hasn't noticed this, so even though the VG message is "please take whatever you like from the bins", I can't take anything as I don't have the permission to do so :-)
I have another slight issue. I own my own SG and I had a few members still playing after the big AE Nerf. One of them stole all my crafted enhancements out of my base bins, after that most just stopped playing all together. So now only my toons are in the SG, and I cant seem to be able to take enhancements out of the bin unless I am on my main who is the leader of that SG. There use to be an option that allows me to deny access to all or none of the members to the bins, now I dont see this option available.
My question is, is there a way I can access the bins without having to log my main on who holds the VG leader star?