Trouble with Custom Group of Standards




So I have this custom group with lots of standard goodies from many groups spanning various levels from 1–54. They work like a charm when populating the mission.

My problem comes when I try to make a “Boss” mission objective from the group. When I go to the custom tab, only groups that have actual custom characters that I’ve created show up, and none of my mix-and-match custom/standard groups. (And obviously my custom group isn’t listed among the Standard group tab either.)

I don’t want the bosses to be limited to just one group, and besides that there are level considerations (for example, a lowbie should be able to have a Skull boss while a higher level could get a Malta boss, etc.).

Any suggestions?



You have to pick a standard boss from the standard groups, but you can still rename him, rename his group, and possibly (I might be wrong on this one) recolor him all through the boss details. You can't choose standard minions, lieuts, and pets this way though.



Ah okay. I was hoping to make a “Random” boss from my mix-n-match custom group, but it doesn’t look like that’s possible. Thanks!