New base items and function ideas




I personally think it'd be really really awesome if there were base packs or just an overall update for base items and functions, ie:
-doors (similar to the elevator & infirmary in the AE building) opening and closing

-portals (like in some CoT cave stages)

-windows (once again similar to the AE building or pocket d) it just feels like everything is either underground or in a different dimension. It'd be cool if we could see a something. Even better if we can pick from a few choices like Pocket D dimension, Ski Chalet zone, overlooking a major city like atlas or perigrine, cloud city, etc.

-ACTUAL multi-level bases with elevators (a bigger upgrade to the biggest base lot)

-a tailor in the base

-an ae computer for sg architect missions

-more options than tech & arcane

please feel free to comment and add more suggestions



My bad, I started scrolling through some of the threads and didn't see it so decided to post something. It would be awesome if this reminder, as well as the previous threads would be considered. I especially love the ideas in Base Issues List, post-I12 about mission doors and arena kiosks.



Yeah, I have a massive list m'self.

We aren't even going to get anyone seriously looking at bases, though, til after Going Rogue launches.


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