Need help elec/elec




Hi and happy new year. I am not new to tanking actually i have 3 lvl 50 iod tanks already i just seem to like them.

Here is what i need help with

1) does elec/elec suck
2) can i make a elec elec tank similar to a fire tank i.e. (dmg, farmability)
3) not for pvp just so bored boss farming 54s on the fire tank
4) builds? Influ is no barrier but from what i see on mids slots are(arnt they always)
5) i wont use a travel power ninja run and sprint are fast enough this is a farm tank if possible ( already has taunt bot, farm tank) just want another farm tank maybe to transfer to freedom where i have another base.

if i cant make it a farm tank i probably will delete it

thanks if you can help or have experience with elec/elec tanks because i have none

my tanks are


i also use my buds fire fire fire when i 2xbox

happy new year again



not sure elec melee is something you wanna get into unless your a brute when it comes to farming

clearly fire/fire is supieror and yeah i know everyone can farm with their " add tank here". but lets look at whatca got in comparison

for fire you rely on the follwing( or at least i do with mine)

blazing aura
fire sword circle
*burn* ..i dont use it but its there ..all in all 5 aoes.BUT! you also have f.e. and b.u.

plus some actually take melt armor so you might have a debuff as well


elec/elec will have

lightning rod
fireball *if you take it.which for farming you should!*
jabobs ladder ( cone)
chain induction( special helps in mobs)

add on top just b.u.

and melt armor if you go that route

now the issue i see is lightnin rods recharge isnt up enough imo to be totally reilable like fsc it'll be slower as far as damage goes. both have a great heal and elec gets the nod in better resistance which will help build wise

if you wanted to build a elec/elec brute i would say go for it..or a /elec/wp brute just cause elec's damage scale is alittle meh.but add in a full bar of fury and its crazy mad!!