Villain Broker System




This has happened to me many times in Port Oakes but it just happened to me in Nerva and I'm pretty fed up with it.

Brokers seem to frequently give out contacts you've already out-leveled. Those contacts then refuse to pass you on to the next contact in the chain if they are part of a chain.

I turned 30, went to Nerva and ran enough newspapers to get a Mayhem (Talos). Aced the mayhem and ran to Winston the Gent expecting to get a selection of level 30-34 contacts and instead got only the level 25-29 contacts. I pick Darla who says she's been expecting me, offers her store, but no introduction to Psymon.

I'm very bummed that I'm going to have to go through all that all over again. This has to be a bug. Either the brokers should give you an active contact based on your level when you finish the mayhem OR the contacts should be more forthcoming with their introductions.



I have not personally experienced this problem, luck I would guess, but it does sound annoying. Barring operator error of some kind, which seems unlikely, I fully support implimentation of one or both of the fixes you propose.

Short version?



Did you train to 30 before this happened? If you didn't the contacts won't talk to you til you do.



Yes, I and my partner were both trained to 30 during the last 2 newspaper missions. The Mayhem was level 30 (I got Talos and my partner got IP). We were about half-way to 31st by the time we got finished.

Both of us experienced the exact same problem.