Clan Destiny #349053 - AEON CHALLENGE
Good point. I'll try something more descriptive. I wish we had more space in that section!
I'll be honest, I skipped over this arc initially after seeing the rather generic title and description, and really only gave it a try seeing as how you did took the time to look at mine. The description could definitely be more specific on what the arc entails, especially when you consider almost every arc that is going to be submitted are going to have the line 'a choice between two evils' somewhere in there.
I thought you were going to pull out the Rikti Freaks for the first mission, but seeing McGrimm was certainly a funny surprise. I especially liked the part about his cybernetic skull, as it reminded me of that old 'head of Vecna' joke.

Usually when I encounter an "Aha, you've been fooled all along, hero!" moment I groan, but I think you have succeeded in avoiding that in this arc. The foreshadowing was more 'innocent' and could have been taking either way, avoiding the usual player bludgeoning. It also helped that the villain was written so dastardly well.
Was the alien generator supposed to speak? It looked like a misplaced line.
Nice use of animations where they were present, the digging DE and lotus floating EB helped to drive home the details.
The custom villain group had a definite retro vibe, though given the pics I have seen of your hero and your user handle, it looks to be a recurring motif.
There was something about the group and its leaders I found particularly distinctive in their personalities and motifs, I could definitely see them as rogues in Timm's Batman-verse.
I think you really need to drop the web-grenade from one of your minions, they're about as annoying if not more so than caltrops.
The ending was well... kind of anti-climatic. I was kind of expecting to have a showdown with the main villain after the mission where the arc actually ends, or at least recover the mcguffin. I would highly recommend looking into making the ending more 'fulfilling'.
Edit: I forgot to add, I really did not feel convinced about the group's 'insurance' against the Rikti. I don't deny that it sounds powerful, but with something like that in their hands I doubt the Rikti would let them walk away with it either. |

Will do.
Not that I can recall. You might want to look at setting where the ambush will spawn from if you haven't already.
Definately not. I'll fix this. Probably misplaced a text line from the defenders. Does the defensable object quest work right? When I solo'd it I never seem to get waves of attackers, and was worried that either the task was glitched, I had set something wrong or that the waves were spawning too far away.
A Penny For Your Thoughts #348691 <- Dev's Choice'd by Dr. Aeon!
Submit your MA arc for review & my arcs thread
I have it set to spawn at Back, which is also where the object is, but I'll do another run and see if perhaps ithey are spawning elsewhere. I had naively assumed that they would spawn pretty much on top of the object once you cleared the initial defenders.
I thought the setting for ambush location was pretty much non-functional? I.e. it doesn't do anything, the ambush will always spawn near the trigger. I even seem to remember a patch note where this menu was removed just because it didn't actually do anything. Am I thinking of something else?
Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522
Okay so I've updated this and submitted it to the contest. I tried to correct as many of the issues raised thus far as I could without impacting the things people liked. I think I've struck a good balance, but would still really appreciate some feedback.
Contest or no contest, I'd still like to have a solid arc published regardless.
Arc ID: 349053
Level: 30+
Length: Long
Keywords: [open to suggestions here]
Enemies: Rikti, Freakshow, Devoured Earth, Longbow, Custom
Description: Heroes are always supposed to do the right thing, but what happens when "the right thing" is a choice between two evils? When the line between what is the greater good and the necessary evil become blurred, morality is put to the ultimate test. What will you decide?
So this will be my entry but first I really need feedback - particularly about game mechanics. As a n00b, there are a lot of technical things I tend to overlook which don't rear their ugly head through my limited solo testing. Specifically, I think I didn't make this solo friendly enough. I may need to nerf my customs as well - particularly the end boss. I've got an extensive custom group (3 min, 4 lts, 2 boss, 1 elite) and I'm hoping they all show up when the size and level of groups vary.
Again, any feedback (story, mechanics, costumes, powers, etc) is welcome - even it it's scathing and/or unflattering