I hope you're happy!
Ouch, thats gotta sting.
Unless your on the other end of the transaction that is, then it's gotta feel more like a kiss from an Angel or some other such lofty thing.
I've thankfully never done that myself. I have added an extra 0 from time to time when bidding, but usually on stuff worth 10,000 or less, so the 90,000 loss (while nothing to sneeze at) isn't too bad.
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
Hehe, wasn't me but I do that all the time. Place a few low bids on (relatively) high-turnover purples and score them at 50% market value . Though once I had a bid of 1.5 bil on a LotG and was soooo close to hitting the button.
Hint: When placing anything higher than 10 mil I always triple-check if there are enuff zeros...
Well this morning I respec'ed my Fire/Earth Assault Dom. to get rid of the Apoc. enhancements I had in Stone Spears (didn't really 'need' them and the 4 enhancements I had in SS I actually had from drops for various chars of mine) so that I could buy the Absolute Amazement set and other things.

Must have had a brain-fart/brain-to-fingers malfunction...so sad now heh.
So I respec'ed and then went to Cap to put the enhancements up for bid....one of the ones I put up for bid was the apoc: proc enhancement. Highest bid I saw for it was 500 Mil. That sounded good...so I was typing in (I thought) 460,000,100 mil...I clicked, "sell" and it was sold immediately...for 151 million!
To whoever got that....congrats
Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991