Fire/Dark Build help




This is my first Corr (currently 50), intended primarily for teaming with some solo play (I do a fair amount of TFs).

This build is still a work in progress, my corr on live is currently frankenslotted with L35 IO sets for individual power performance while I acquire the IO sets for the final build.

Originally I wanted to softcap ranged, and was even thinking of dipping into the Fighting pool for it.

I decided against this, as I've come to value Recall Friend for TFs/Grouping/Fluffy and the other choices are non-negotiable.

I don't think it will matter. I'm rarely taking so much flak for my sub-softcap ranged to be an issue (I don't really die much now and I've got under 10% ranged defense), and my substantial -ToHit debuffs should take care of the rest.

That being said, the build isn't particularly specialized in any one area. I tried to get high ranged defense, and some added NRG/NEG (high enough to softcap with a small purp or any of my debuffs). The resistances were kind of a nice benefit that I didn't specifically focus on.

I also wanted solid recharge, and I didn't want to compromise my key powers for damage/support. I was tempted to go for more recharge and endurance through slotting fire blast and blaze with Decimations and dropping the Thunderstrikes (and my ranged defense along with it). I've decided against it for now, but I might change my mind depending on how the build plays.

Villain Plan by Mids' Villain Designer 1.601

Click this DataLink to open the build!

Level 50 Magic Corruptor
Primary Power Set: Fire Blast
Secondary Power Set: Dark Miasma
Power Pool: Flight
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Teleportation
Ancillary Pool: Mu Mastery

Villain Profile:
Level 1: Fire Blast -- Thundr-Acc/Dmg:50(A), Thundr-Dmg/EndRdx:50(34), Thundr-Dmg/Rchg:50(34), Thundr-Acc/Dmg/Rchg:50(36), Thundr-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx:50(36), Thundr-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg:50(46)
Level 1: Twilight Grasp -- Theft-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg:30(A), Theft-Acc/EndRdx/Heal:30(3), Theft-Heal/Rchg:30(3), Nictus-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg:50(5), Nictus-Acc/Heal:50(5), Nictus-Heal/HP/Regen/Rchg:50(7)
Level 2: Fire Ball -- Ragnrk-Dmg/Rchg:50(A), Ragnrk-Acc/Dmg/Rchg:50(37), Ragnrk-Acc/Rchg:50(37), Ragnrk-Dmg/EndRdx:50(37), Ragnrk-Knock%:50(40)
Level 4: Tar Patch -- RechRdx-I:50(A), RechRdx-I:50(7), P'ngTtl-EndRdx/Rchg/Slow:50(9)
Level 6: Rain of Fire -- Posi-Acc/Dmg:50(A), Posi-Dmg/EndRdx:50(9), Posi-Dmg/Rchg:50(11), Posi-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx:50(11), Posi-Dam%:50(13)
Level 8: Darkest Night -- DarkWD-Rchg/EndRdx:50(A), DarkWD-ToHitdeb/Rchg/EndRdx:50(13), DarkWD-ToHitDeb/Rchg:50(15), DarkWD-ToHitDeb/EndRdx:50(15)
Level 10: Fire Breath -- Posi-Acc/Dmg:50(A), Posi-Dmg/EndRdx:50(17), Posi-Dmg/Rchg:50(17), Posi-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx:50(19), Posi-Dam%:50(19)
Level 12: Hover -- LkGmblr-Rchg+:50(A), Zephyr-Travel:50(21), Zephyr-Travel/EndRdx:50(21)
Level 14: Fly -- Zephyr-Travel:50(A), Zephyr-Travel/EndRdx:50(43)
Level 16: Swift -- Flight-I:50(A)
Level 18: Health -- Mrcl-Heal:40(A), Mrcl-Rcvry+:40(42)
Level 20: Stamina -- P'Shift-EndMod:50(A), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc:50(23), P'Shift-EndMod/Rchg:50(23), P'Shift-End%:50(25)
Level 22: Fearsome Stare -- Cloud-ToHitDeb:30(A), Cloud-Acc/Rchg:30(25), Cloud-Acc/ToHitDeb:30(27), Cloud-ToHitDeb/EndRdx/Rchg:30(27), Cloud-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg:30(29), Cloud-%Dam:30(29)
Level 24: Shadow Fall -- LkGmblr-Rchg+:50(A), LkGmblr-Def/EndRdx:50(42), LkGmblr-Def/EndRdx/Rchg:50(42), S'fstPrt-ResDam/Def+:30(50)
Level 26: Howling Twilight -- Stpfy-Acc/Rchg:50(A), Stpfy-EndRdx/Stun:50(43), Stpfy-Acc/EndRdx:50(43), Stpfy-Stun/Rng:50(45), Stpfy-Acc/Stun/Rchg:50(45), Stpfy-KB%:50(46)
Level 28: Blaze -- Thundr-Acc/Dmg:50(A), Thundr-Dmg/Rchg:50(31), Thundr-Dmg/EndRdx:50(31), Thundr-Acc/Dmg/Rchg:50(31), Thundr-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx:50(33), Thundr-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg:50(46)
Level 30: Hasten -- RechRdx-I:50(A), RechRdx-I:50(33), RechRdx-I:50(33)
Level 32: Super Speed -- Zephyr-Travel:50(A), Zephyr-Travel/EndRdx:50(34)
Level 35: Recall Friend -- Zephyr-Travel:50(A), Zephyr-ResKB:50(36)
Level 38: Dark Servant -- Cloud-ToHitDeb:30(A), Cloud-Acc/ToHitDeb:30(39), Cloud-Acc/Rchg:30(39), Cloud-ToHitDeb/EndRdx/Rchg:30(39), Cloud-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg:30(40), Cloud-%Dam:30(40)
Level 41: Charged Armor -- RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx:30(A), RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg:40(48), RctvArm-ResDam:40(48)
Level 44: Conserve Power -- RechRdx-I:50(A), RechRdx-I:50(45)
Level 47: Petrifying Gaze -- BasGaze-Acc/Rchg:30(A), BasGaze-Acc/Hold:30(48), BasGaze-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg/Hold:30(50), BasGaze-EndRdx/Rchg/Hold:30(50)
Level 49: Aim -- RechRdx-I:50(A)
Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- ULeap-Stlth:50(A)
Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Scourge

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

Comments and criticism welcome.




uhhh where to begin...........

First off you really have slotted two different powers in the wrong way to standard utility, Fearsome stare should be slotted for fear instead of tohit debuff, or 5 fear set Io's and one tohit regualr IO, since its used more as a opener of a fight rather than a constant debuff like darkest night. You will notice a big big differance to fireback flack with a couple fears more than your tohit debuffs. Next the general consencous is that shadow fall is served better being slotted with resists rather than defence, considering that the overall defence value never really creeps past 7% even fully slotted out but is much easier to max out resistance to 25% of nrg, neg nrg, and psi.

Now personally I think howling twilight is overslotted and could be better served by pulling 3 of those slots and sticking them into the aoes you five slotted and plunking a detonation dmg/rech in the ones with posiblast to help with overall recharge and a dmg/end in the one with ragnorock so that your not relying on set bonuses if you ever exemplar post 50.

FYI fire dark is a very very end heavy pairing, which while it does eat NPC mobs alive it can also leave your blue bar running on empty. Which comes to my next point, hasten while good for recharge really doesnt need to be in this kind of build since it really states without major end recovery or endurace discounts early on, pay 20 end every 2 minutes turn off all those great toggles and die to whatever your fighting that hasent melted into a puddle of goo. While I see that you have 3.6 end a second recovery, even thats not enough to offset the aoe goodness that you can spam with that much speeded up aoe goodness along with the toggles of darkest night, epic armor, hover, and shadowfall being active.

Last point, unless you have half a billion inf you will probably be grinding all this on strikeforces merits daily. Red side markets are so much much slower than blueside for any kind of turnover for the really good items, which you probably know. But a build like this, unless your in a very active VG which pools drops, will take at least 4 to 6 months of multiple strikeforces daily to get the recipes/merits/drops that you will need. Good luck especially on the basilisk gazes which on the TF/Trial drops goes for min 20 mill each on the level 30 cap.

Now we aren't ready quite yet to let the catgirls out of the bag.... (quote from ex libris)



Originally Posted by Head_Kracker View Post
First off you really have slotted two different powers in the wrong way to standard utility, Fearsome stare should be slotted for fear instead of tohit debuff, or 5 fear set Io's and one tohit regualr IO, since its used more as a opener of a fight rather than a constant debuff like darkest night. You will notice a big big differance to fireback flack with a couple fears more than your tohit debuffs.
First, thanks for the comments. Though I could do without the sarcasm.

This is probably just a playstyle difference, but I use Fearsome Stare primarily for the To Hit debuff, the fear is just icing on the cake.

Nothing stays feared (or alive for that matter) very long once the AoEs start getting dropped. I chose cloud senses for the set bonuses, which are just awesome.

It may not be optimal slotting, so in the end you might be right. i'll try it out first on test and see if I like it. But 2.5% END, 6.25% Rech, 3.75% Ranged and 1.88% NRG/NEG seemed too good to pass up.

Originally Posted by Head_Kracker View Post
Next the general consencous is that shadow fall is served better being slotted with resists rather than defence, considering that the overall defence value never really creeps past 7% even fully slotted out but is much easier to max out resistance to 25% of nrg, neg nrg, and psi.
I agree. I wanted to add 2 more slots for more +Resistance, I might take this into consideration and drop two of the LoTGs, keeping thr 7.5% rech and add some resistance slotting to see how it looks.

Originally Posted by Head_Kracker View Post
Now personally I think howling twilight is overslotted and could be better served by pulling 3 of those slots and sticking them into the aoes you five slotted and plunking a detonation dmg/rech in the ones with posiblast to help with overall recharge and a dmg/end in the one with ragnorock so that your not relying on set bonuses if you ever exemplar post 50.
Again, here I was going for Stupify's set bonuses.

You realize you're making two opposing points?

1) All AoEs are already at the ED cap for damage. Slotting for more will do nothing.

2) You'd have me slot Dam/Rech Detonations to add a total of +25% recharge to Fire Breath and Rain of Fire individually, adding more damage to two powers already at ED cap and then remove 70% global recharge from the build by dropping hasten? I'm sorry, but that makes no sense.

Originally Posted by Head_Kracker View Post
FYI fire dark is a very very end heavy pairing, which while it does eat NPC mobs alive it can also leave your blue bar running on empty. Which comes to my next point, hasten while good for recharge really doesnt need to be in this kind of build since it really states without major end recovery or endurace discounts early on, pay 20 end every 2 minutes turn off all those great toggles and die to whatever your fighting that hasent melted into a puddle of goo. While I see that you have 3.6 end a second recovery, even thats not enough to offset the aoe goodness that you can spam with that much speeded up aoe goodness along with the toggles of darkest night, epic armor, hover, and shadowfall being active.
For hasten, see the point above. Also, I didn't mention that I run speed TFs daily. Superspeed is a must for this, so both stay in the build.

I've never had any problems with the hasten crash so far, and I'm already L50.

Actually, I currently only have 2.5 e/s recovery on live, so things will only be better after this build is in place. Nothing lives long enough outside of AVs for the endurance issue to come into play anyway, and for those occasions I have Conserve Power.

Originally Posted by Head_Kracker View Post
Last point, unless you have half a billion inf you will probably be grinding all this on strikeforces merits daily. Red side markets are so much much slower than blueside for any kind of turnover for the really good items, which you probably know. But a build like this, unless your in a very active VG which pools drops, will take at least 4 to 6 months of multiple strikeforces daily to get the recipes/merits/drops that you will need. Good luck especially on the basilisk gazes which on the TF/Trial drops goes for min 20 mill each on the level 30 cap.
Not a problem. I've got more than enough inf to buy the build outright. I actually have a third of the IOs already crafted, and a stockpile of merits + daily runs. So it's not a worry.



Sorry if I was just sometimes comes out.

Again, here I was going for Stupify's set bonuses.

You realize you're making two opposing points?

1) All AoEs are already at the ED cap for damage. Slotting for more will do nothing.

2) You'd have me slot Dam/Rech Detonations to add a total of +25% recharge to Fire Breath and Rain of Fire individually, adding more damage to two powers already at ED cap and then remove 70% global recharge from the build by dropping hasten? I'm sorry, but that makes no sense.
actually the point im making here is that since you are 50 and if you only buy lvl 50 io sets then whenever you exemplar past your set bonus level which is lvl 47 (barring purple sets) then you loose most if not all of your recharge bonuses when doing a strikeforce or any lower level content should you team, which would then neccesitate having better base recharge rates. I have noticed that when exemplaring that overall pecentage score on all my powers enhancements do lower to the level of the set at that level, things like positrons blast set really wane at lvl25 or lower like the cap au diable SF but by adding a dmg/rech or even a plain old rech you keep the power moving without a huge differance when you exempt.

With hasten, as I said I just seems like a end drain to me in this kinda build but I guess YMMV.

Now we aren't ready quite yet to let the catgirls out of the bag.... (quote from ex libris)



While I haven't played Fire/Dark to 50, I have played both Fire Blast and Dark Miasma to 50 separately, so I understand the synergy.

I absolutely agree that Fearsome Stare should be slotted for -tohit first and foremost, with Fear slotting coming second. The fear will mitigate an alpha strike while you set up all your tohit debuffs. I don't agree with your attempt to softcap any of your defense, however. Against anything but AV/GMs, even a minor amount of defense is more than enough when combined with your tohit debuffs. Shoot for about 20% defense to ranged, and let the tohit debuffs, not to mention -dam and your resistances, take care of the rest. I'd only go for defense if I planned on soloing AV/GMs. Since you stated you do a lot of SFs, you have a team to take the hard hits for you, so you really don't need to worry about it.

I noticed you took two travel powers. I feel this is unnecessary with a build that's so tight. Since Super Speed's stealth stacks with the stealth of Shadow Fall, making pseudo-invisibility, this is the optimal travel power for Dark Miasma. With an unlimited supply of Raptor Packs available in Grandville, Fly itself is completely unnecessary. Hover is still good to take, as it can keep you out of immediate melee range, as well as offer a tiny bit of defense and a good place to put a LotG +recharge. Personally I'd take Combat Jumping instead of Hover, because it has a much smaller endurance cost, but that's just me. Dropping Fly enables you to pick up and slot Flares, covering the only real hole in your build, lack of single target damage. Those AV/GM fights where you start running low on endurance will be much better when you don't *have* to spam your AoE attacks to keep DPS up. Flares will keep your DPS up without hitting your blue bar nearly as hard.

Building for recharge is a must, to keep your debuffs going (and stacking), as well as to keep your AoEs coming back often, so that you can continue eating large numbers of enemies at a time. Normally I wouldn't tap into Purples, but since you did yourself, I kept that slotting the same. Here's the build I worked up for you:

Villain Plan by Mids' Villain Designer 1.601

Click this DataLink to open the build!

Level 50 Magic Corruptor
Primary Power Set: Fire Blast
Secondary Power Set: Dark Miasma
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Teleportation
Power Pool: Flight
Ancillary Pool: Mu Mastery

Villain Profile:
Level 1: Fire Blast

  • (A) Devastation - Accuracy/Damage
  • (48) Devastation - Damage/Endurance
  • (48) Devastation - Damage/Recharge
  • (50) Devastation - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
Level 1: Twilight Grasp
  • (A) Theft of Essence - Healing
  • (37) Theft of Essence - Healing/Recharge
  • (40) Theft of Essence - Accuracy/Healing
  • (43) Theft of Essence - Accuracy/Endurance/Healing
  • (43) Siphon Insight - Accuracy/ToHit Debuff
  • (46) Siphon Insight - ToHit Debuff/Endurance/Recharge
Level 2: Fire Ball
  • (A) Ragnarok - Chance for Knockdown
  • (3) Ragnarok - Damage/Endurance
  • (3) Ragnarok - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
  • (5) Ragnarok - Damage/Recharge
  • (37) Ragnarok - Damage
Level 4: Tar Patch
  • (A) Recharge Reduction IO
  • (5) Recharge Reduction IO
Level 6: Rain of Fire
  • (A) Positron's Blast - Chance of Damage(Energy)
  • (7) Positron's Blast - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
  • (7) Positron's Blast - Damage/Recharge
  • (23) Positron's Blast - Damage/Endurance
  • (23) Positron's Blast - Accuracy/Damage
Level 8: Fire Breath
  • (A) Positron's Blast - Chance of Damage(Energy)
  • (9) Positron's Blast - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
  • (9) Positron's Blast - Damage/Range
  • (15) Positron's Blast - Damage/Recharge
  • (21) Positron's Blast - Accuracy/Damage
Level 10: Howling Twilight
  • (A) Recharge Reduction IO
  • (11) Recharge Reduction IO
  • (11) Recharge Reduction IO
Level 12: Hasten
  • (A) Recharge Reduction IO
  • (13) Recharge Reduction IO
  • (13) Recharge Reduction IO
Level 14: Super Speed
  • (A) Blessing of the Zephyr - Knockback Reduction (4 points)
  • (15) Blessing of the Zephyr - Run Speed, Jump, Flight Speed, Range/Endurance
Level 16: Shadow Fall
  • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed
  • (17) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance
  • (17) Impervium Armor - Resistance
  • (19) Impervium Armor - Resistance/Endurance
  • (19) Steadfast Protection - Resistance/Endurance
  • (21) Steadfast Protection - Knockback Protection
Level 18: Blaze
  • (A) Devastation - Accuracy/Damage
  • (45) Devastation - Damage/Endurance
  • (46) Devastation - Damage/Recharge
  • (46) Devastation - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
Level 20: Hurdle
  • (A) Jumping IO
Level 22: Health
  • (A) Miracle - +Recovery
Level 24: Stamina
  • (A) Performance Shifter - Chance for +End
  • (25) Performance Shifter - EndMod
  • (25) Performance Shifter - EndMod/Recharge
  • (37) Performance Shifter - EndMod/Accuracy
Level 26: Fearsome Stare
  • (A) Cloud Senses - ToHit Debuff
  • (27) Cloud Senses - Accuracy/ToHitDebuff
  • (27) Cloud Senses - ToHit Debuff/Endurance/Recharge
  • (34) Cloud Senses - Accuracy/Recharge
  • (34) Glimpse of the Abyss - Fear/Range
  • (34) Glimpse of the Abyss - Accuracy/Fear/Recharge
Level 28: Darkest Night
  • (A) Dark Watcher's Despair - To Hit Debuff/Endurance
  • (29) Dark Watcher's Despair - To Hit Debuff/Recharge/Endurance
  • (29) Dark Watcher's Despair - To Hit Debuff/Recharge
  • (33) Dark Watcher's Despair - To Hit Debuff
Level 30: Aim
  • (A) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - Chance for Build Up
  • (31) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - To Hit Buff/Endurance
  • (31) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - Recharge/Endurance
  • (31) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - To Hit Buff/Recharge/Endurance
  • (33) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - To Hit Buff/Recharge
  • (33) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - To Hit Buff
Level 32: Flares
  • (A) Devastation - Accuracy/Damage
  • (40) Devastation - Damage/Endurance
  • (40) Devastation - Damage/Recharge
  • (45) Devastation - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
Level 35: Petrifying Gaze
  • (A) Basilisk's Gaze - Accuracy/Hold
  • (36) Basilisk's Gaze - Recharge/Hold
  • (36) Basilisk's Gaze - Endurance/Recharge/Hold
  • (36) Basilisk's Gaze - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge/Hold
Level 38: Dark Servant
  • (A) Cloud Senses - Accuracy/ToHitDebuff
  • (39) Cloud Senses - ToHit Debuff/Endurance/Recharge
  • (39) Cloud Senses - ToHit Debuff
  • (39) Cloud Senses - Chance for Negative Energy Damage
Level 41: Charged Armor
  • (A) Steadfast Protection - Resistance/Endurance
  • (42) Steadfast Protection - Resistance/+Def 3%
  • (42) Steadfast Protection - Knockback Protection
  • (42) Impervium Armor - Resistance
  • (43) Impervium Armor - Resistance/Endurance
Level 44: Conserve Power
  • (A) Recharge Reduction IO
  • (45) Recharge Reduction IO
Level 47: Recall Friend
  • (A) Blessing of the Zephyr - Knockback Reduction (4 points)
  • (48) Blessing of the Zephyr - Run Speed, Jump, Flight Speed, Range/Endurance
Level 49: Hover
  • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed
  • (50) Blessing of the Zephyr - Knockback Reduction (4 points)
  • (50) Blessing of the Zephyr - Run Speed, Jump, Flight Speed, Range
Level 1: Brawl
  • (A) Empty
Level 1: Sprint
  • (A) Empty
Level 2: Rest
  • (A) Empty
Level 1: Scourge
Set Bonus Totals:
  • 11.5% DamageBuff(Smashing)
  • 11.5% DamageBuff(Lethal)
  • 11.5% DamageBuff(Fire)
  • 11.5% DamageBuff(Cold)
  • 11.5% DamageBuff(Energy)
  • 11.5% DamageBuff(Negative)
  • 11.5% DamageBuff(Toxic)
  • 11.5% DamageBuff(Psionic)
  • 4.25% Defense(Smashing)
  • 4.25% Defense(Lethal)
  • 4.25% Defense(Fire)
  • 4.25% Defense(Cold)
  • 11.4% Defense(Energy)
  • 11.4% Defense(Negative)
  • 3% Defense(Psionic)
  • 5.5% Defense(Melee)
  • 16.1% Defense(Ranged)
  • 5.5% Defense(AoE)
  • 6.3% Max End
  • 2.75% Enhancement(Terrorized)
  • 62.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
  • 33% Enhancement(Accuracy)
  • 5% Enhancement(Heal)
  • 14% FlySpeed
  • 144.6 HP (13.5%) HitPoints
  • 14% JumpHeight
  • 14% JumpSpeed
  • Knockback (Mag -20)
  • Knockup (Mag -20)
  • MezResist(Confused) 5%
  • MezResist(Held) 5%
  • MezResist(Immobilize) 5%
  • MezResist(Sleep) 5%
  • MezResist(Stun) 5%
  • MezResist(Terrorized) 5%
  • 21.5% (0.36 End/sec) Recovery
  • 56% (2.5 HP/sec) Regeneration
  • 5.67% Resistance(Fire)
  • 5.67% Resistance(Cold)
  • 14% RunSpeed

Set Bonuses:
(Fire Blast)
  • 12% (0.54 HP/sec) Regeneration
  • 24.1 HP (2.25%) HitPoints
  • 3% DamageBuff(All)
Theft of Essence
(Twilight Grasp)
  • 10% (0.45 HP/sec) Regeneration
  • 1.8% Max End
  • 5% Enhancement(Heal)
Siphon Insight
(Twilight Grasp)
  • 4% JumpSpeed, 4% JumpHeight, 4% FlySpeed, 4% RunSpeed
(Fire Ball)
  • 4% (0.07 End/sec) Recovery
  • 2.52% Resistance(Fire,Cold)
  • 15% Enhancement(Accuracy)
  • 10% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
Positron's Blast
(Rain of Fire)
  • 2.5% (0.04 End/sec) Recovery
  • 1.58% Resistance(Fire,Cold)
  • 9% Enhancement(Accuracy)
  • 6.25% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
Positron's Blast
(Fire Breath)
  • 2.5% (0.04 End/sec) Recovery
  • 1.58% Resistance(Fire,Cold)
  • 9% Enhancement(Accuracy)
  • 6.25% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
Blessing of the Zephyr
(Super Speed)
  • 3.13% Defense(Ranged), 1.56% Defense(Energy), 1.56% Defense(Negative)
  • Knockback Protection (Mag -4)
Luck of the Gambler
(Shadow Fall)
  • 10% (0.45 HP/sec) Regeneration
  • 7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
Impervium Armor
(Shadow Fall)
  • 2.5% (0.04 End/sec) Recovery
Steadfast Protection
(Shadow Fall)
  • 1.5% (0.03 End/sec) Recovery
  • Knockback Protection (Mag -4)
  • 12% (0.54 HP/sec) Regeneration
  • 24.1 HP (2.25%) HitPoints
  • 3% DamageBuff(All)
Performance Shifter
  • 5% JumpSpeed, 5% JumpHeight, 5% FlySpeed, 5% RunSpeed
  • 20.1 HP (1.87%) HitPoints
  • 2.5% (0.04 End/sec) Recovery
Cloud Senses
(Fearsome Stare)
  • Status Resistance 2.5%
  • 2.25% Max End
  • 6.25% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
Glimpse of the Abyss
(Fearsome Stare)
  • 2.75% Enhancement(Terrorized)
Dark Watcher's Despair
(Darkest Night)
  • 16.1 HP (1.5%) HitPoints
  • 2.5% (0.04 End/sec) Recovery
  • 5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control
  • 5% JumpSpeed, 5% JumpHeight, 5% FlySpeed, 5% RunSpeed
  • 20.1 HP (1.87%) HitPoints
  • 2.5% (0.04 End/sec) Recovery (Exceeded 5 Bonus Cap)
  • 2.5% DamageBuff(All)
  • 2.5% Defense(Melee), 1.25% Defense(Lethal), 1.25% Defense(Smashing), 2.5% Defense(Ranged), 1.25% Defense(Energy), 1.25% Defense(Negative), 2.5% Defense(AoE), 1.25% Defense(Fire), 1.25% Defense(Cold)
  • 12% (0.54 HP/sec) Regeneration
  • 24.1 HP (2.25%) HitPoints
  • 3% DamageBuff(All)
Basilisk's Gaze
(Petrifying Gaze)
  • 2.5% Defense(Energy,Negative), 1.25% Defense(Ranged)
  • 2% (0.03 End/sec) Recovery
  • 7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
Cloud Senses
(Dark Servant)
  • Status Resistance 2.5%
  • 2.25% Max End
  • 6.25% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
Steadfast Protection
(Charged Armor)
  • 1.5% (0.03 End/sec) Recovery
  • 16.1 HP (1.5%) HitPoints
  • 3% Defense(All)
  • Knockback Protection (Mag -4)
Impervium Armor
(Charged Armor)
  • 2.5% (0.04 End/sec) Recovery (Exceeded 5 Bonus Cap)
Blessing of the Zephyr
(Recall Friend)
  • 3.13% Defense(Ranged), 1.56% Defense(Energy), 1.56% Defense(Negative)
  • Knockback Protection (Mag -4)
Luck of the Gambler
  • 7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
Blessing of the Zephyr
  • 3.13% Defense(Ranged), 1.56% Defense(Energy), 1.56% Defense(Negative)
  • Knockback Protection (Mag -4)

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
Hope this helps!


Just my opinion, feel free to disregard...



Originally Posted by Head_Kracker View Post
Sorry if I was just sometimes comes out.
No worries. I still appreciate the input.

Originally Posted by Head_Kracker View Post
actually the point im making here is that since you are 50 and if you only buy lvl 50 io sets then whenever you exemplar past your set bonus level which is lvl 47 (barring purple sets) then you loose most if not all of your recharge bonuses when doing a strikeforce or any lower level content should you team, which would then neccesitate having better base recharge rates. I have noticed that when exemplaring that overall pecentage score on all my powers enhancements do lower to the level of the set at that level, things like positrons blast set really wane at lvl25 or lower like the cap au diable SF but by adding a dmg/rech or even a plain old rech you keep the power moving without a huge differance when you exempt.
Well that's a good point.

At the moment, I very rarely level down and mostly stick to ITF/LGTF and occasional RSF. Going Rogue might change this, but I'll deal with that when the time comes, possibly with a second build for Malfactoring.

Originally Posted by W Peace View Post
Against anything but AV/GMs, even a minor amount of defense is more than enough when combined with your tohit debuffs.
That's quite true, it's excessive in most cases.

The reason I'm pushing for such high defenses is for the ITF/LGTF. Anything that helps mitigate running through the caves/corridors, where I don't have a chance to debuff my opponents will be useful. But 42% might be a bit excessive.

You make a lot of good points however, so I might drop down from my current 40% or so to incorporate some of the ideas you presented.

Originally Posted by W Peace View Post
I noticed you took two travel powers. I feel this is unnecessary with a build that's so tight. Since Super Speed's stealth stacks with the stealth of Shadow Fall, making pseudo-invisibility, this is the optimal travel power for Dark Miasma. With an unlimited supply of Raptor Packs available in Grandville, Fly itself is completely unnecessary. Hover is still good to take, as it can keep you out of immediate melee range, as well as offer a tiny bit of defense and a good place to put a LotG +recharge. Personally I'd take Combat Jumping instead of Hover, because it has a much smaller endurance cost, but that's just me.
Now you're hitting me where it hurts.

I know fly is superfluous. And it might get cut in favor of Flares as you suggested. Hover I'll keep, it's great for soloing and still useful on teams. The reason I prefer it to CJ is that it allows me to take full advantage of my high ranged defenses.

The other reason I like hover is probably just a playstyle thing. I have a tendency to fly directly above the group of mobs I'm dealing with when they are all in tar patch (this is generally when solo).

Originally Posted by W Peace View Post
Hope this helps!

Thanks for going through the trouble of putting a build together.

I've saved the file, and I'll definitely borrow some ideas for use in my build.