Castle and Sunstorm?




I have trouble finding these two Heroes in the MA. Under what group are they?

EDIT: ok found sunstorm now where is castle?



I don't believe he's in MA. He's really "just" a trainer in-game. (Sunstorm is (a) used in missions, and (b) a Peacebringer, which they already have NPCs of, so there's no powerset to create.)



I believe one of the Dev choice missions had Castle in it as a defeatable character. He was a Fire/Fire Blaster IIRC. You can easily make him out of the costume pieces available. Just use a pic from them Wiki as reference while working in the MA.



Yeah, you pretty much have to make him yourself. The cool part is you can give him whatever powers you want! =P

Imagine giving him regen, but giving him very few powers from it. When he hits 25% health he could shout "Curses! I knew I shouldn't have nerfed regen again!"

Arc ID: 348998 - Becoming a villain
Arc ID: 373341 - To Save a Hero

Got Inf?



Nah dont want to make him. Just solo him.

Also i think its odd that Bile max level is like 44? when he appears in a 48 mission from tina.

I dont like cherry picking AV´s powersets so i only go after canon av´s.



Sunstorm is under the Peacebringer group, between Paragon Protectors and Pets. However, his costume is the PPD style costume, not the one you see in Atlas park.

Castle isn't a selectable one as far as I know