Loyalty program tier 1




This might have been already asked/answered, but i couldnt find it anywhere.

I was wondering about the Tier 1, how is this calculated for EU players?
Tier One: City of Heroes Veterans with 60+ months of paid time.

Its is rather close to impossible for EU players even reaching 60 months, does this 60 months apply to both US as EU?

I'm already quite some time considering to cancel all my subs, i'm a paying costumer pretty much since launch US, yet the EU and US veteran's are still counted seperate.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



i think US only but that is a nice question



I would assume it is just going to be based on game launch dates. That would mean the EU players would need the 48+ patch to get into the Closed Beta.