New Dev's Choice AE Arc by One of Freedom's Own! Shadow-Rush!

Luna de Nocturne



Ha! Thanks Luna. Didn't expect a thread here too.

Turg: Thank you. Yup, it was a long time coming. I must say, your dev's choice arc was one of my first inspirations.

I have to admit, at first I wanted a Dev's Choice arc because of the badge (when it had a badge), but then I realized, even when they took out the badge, I still wished for it. It seems it was the hope of ones work being recognized and wanting to tell stories that ended up driving me to keep working on my arcs, than just for a badge.

But that doesn't mean I'll stop being a badge hunter.




A well deserved arc to become a Dev Choice!

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Originally Posted by Shadowrush View Post
I have to admit, at first I wanted a Dev's Choice arc because of the badge (when it had a badge), but then I realized, even when they took out the badge, I still wished for it. It seems it was the hope of ones work being recognized and wanting to tell stories that ended up driving me to keep working on my arcs, than just for a badge.
It's the best reason to be writing: For the sake of the story. Kudos, bub.