Signal:Noise #341194
Just so you know, I'm not a good reviewer so sorry if this isn't very good feedback, consider it commentary
Mission One
One thing I will say about the first mission is that the statue looked a bit out of place. I have to hand it to you, even though I thought it wouldn't be as creepy as Astoria in D Minor, the fact that the Memories just popped up when I turned around made me jump, I will admit.
The intro dialog is a bit disappointing and bland, but the return dialog is much more interesting!
Mission Two
All I will say is, excellent use of objectives and pretty eerie and spooky. I don't want to ruin this mission for anyone else by saying anything more about it!
Mission Three
At this stage, the inactive NPC's have lost their eeriness and make the missions seem a bit, well I wouldn't say boring, because the drive of the story keeps it interesting, but more uneventful.
Also.. Why are there inactive objectives?
Mission Four
The character design seems.. I don't know how to describe it. Was the clown paint really necessary?
Mission Five
This mission was quite tedious, but the end of it was quite good.
My overall impressions of it is that it starts out excellent, but slowly deteriorates with each mission. The first one shocked me a bit towards the end, and the second was very eerie, but these two mechanics you used wore thin towards the end. Although, I do like the fact that after you defeated the Banish Pantheon, your isolation was focused on.
I gave it ****-Four Stars. The reason it was not five is because it felt more like a series of events with no particular plotline, rather it just got across the message of isolation in Dark Astoria. Also, I found the mechanics became too familiar during the arc, and towards the end the "horror effect" wore off.
Astoria In D Minor was better for horror, because it had some creepy and odd parts to it until the fourth mission, which I found to be the high point of the horror. In this arc, it worked backwards, in that sense. Having the more disturbing elements at the start.
Mission OneOne thing I will say about the first mission is that the statue looked a bit out of place. I have to hand it to you, even though I thought it wouldn't be as creepy as Astoria in D Minor, the fact that the Memories just popped up when I turned around made me jump, I will admit.
The intro dialog is a bit disappointing and bland, but the return dialog is much more interesting! |
The statue is really just decoration, I can probably change it to another object that would be more fitting. It's only there because the level felt "Empty" (And not the kind of empty I intended).
Mission Three At this stage, the inactive NPC's have lost their eeriness and make the missions seem a bit, well I wouldn't say boring, because the drive of the story keeps it interesting, but more uneventful. Also.. Why are there inactive objectives? |
The inactive objectives are linked to other optional objectives - I meant to disable that before I published but I guess I forgot to, I'll get that fixed.
Mission Four The character design seems.. I don't know how to describe it. Was the clown paint really necessary? |
Anyway, thanks for the feedback! The first bits of feedback are always the most valuable because before you show your arc to anyone else, it's really hard to say whether or not the stuff you did will actually "work".
Captain Skylark Shadowfancy and the Tomorrownauts of Today. Arc ID: 337333 - Signal:Noise, where is everybody? Arc ID: 341194
@The Cheshire Cat - Isn't it enough to know I ruined a pony making a gift for you?
12 second horror stories - a writing experiment.
Glad to know I could've helped!
I'm a fan of your other work, such as Astoria In D Minor and The Beating Heart of Astoria, so I decided why not give you feedback on your latest arc!
I agree with the first feedback being the most important. Let's hope it become as popular as your others
Some changes I've made in the last few edits:
-Added Banished Pantheon to maps 3 and 4 (Map 3 was previously just empty, map 4 had [Happy Friendly People], which is what I will use to refer to those mobs until I've had a few more than 2 people having played my arc)
-Reduced the number of mobs in mission 5, but boosted their spawn difficulty to "Medium" so the map wouldn't start feeling really empty. I'm not really sure if that will solve the problem people are having with this last map though - I really can't do what I want to do on that mission without making it a "Defeat all" (In a sense). If I could use a smaller map I would, but there's only 2 graveyard maps, and the other one is bigger.
Captain Skylark Shadowfancy and the Tomorrownauts of Today. Arc ID: 337333 - Signal:Noise, where is everybody? Arc ID: 341194
@The Cheshire Cat - Isn't it enough to know I ruined a pony making a gift for you?
12 second horror stories - a writing experiment.
Running this on... man, my lowbies all like negative or psi damage. Let's pull the 50 fire/elec blaster out of hibernation and burn some zombies. Bosses and no AVs, 2 heroes at +0.
Uh, you can only get three wrong answers on Family Feud before control passes over to the other team.
Maybe that wasn't what you were going for there.
A mysterious communication device in Dark Astoria sends me looking for somebody's family in an abandoned building? Hey, aren't you just ripping off that new Dev Choice arc?
On passing by a sculpture I get a couple of silent transparent followers named "Regret" and "Memory". Ally destructible with ally guards? Nice effect.
After I frob an empty trash can on the ground floor I search higher, and find a desk. There's a half-finished email about absentees there... and my allies decide that this is the perfect time to betray me.
Oh, I see. They were just normal allies - there's another one, Loss, hanging out in the final room. I poked around after the mission was over, finding some older files.
Sadly, I cannot destroy the terrible sculpture.
Oh. Some clever electronic wizardry was at work here. Automated distress beacon, of a sort.
Hmm. The "boxes" are getting redder. And unchecked.
Anyway, going inside to find...
...homicidal mannequins. Yay? They're clustered around another mannequin with a mask, taking pictures.
The mannequin says the same thing as the automated message.
The supposedly homicidal ones start pursuing me, but on the off chance this is actually a family and I'm insane I'm leaving them be.
I head upstairs and find another computer. Hmm. A mysterious prank, and another unfinished mail.
Upstairs are more mannequins, standing around in crazy poses.
There's a schedule on the wall., I know they're going to come to life and try to wreck me when I click this thing.
But I'm clickin' it anyway, because that's just how I roll.
The schedule doesn't have any system text associated with it, but it seems to be "normal". Usual operations, more mysterious absences and "illnesses".
The mannequins on the last floor are all toting around assault rifles.
Hmm. There's a computer up here, but it won't turn on.
Okay, looks like I have to go kill a family. I mean some homicidal mannequins.
Okay, looks like I'm just going to be going back to that (presumably now active) console and disabling the whole affair so people don't waste their time searching an abandoned building.
...there's a tall man out front. And some new mannequins seem to have showed up now, posing like they're holding rifles.
Oh, and the lower floor now has some mannequins I'm definitely wondering about.
...a TV remote. Huh. But no sign of whatever it was on camera.
A face in the static. And I go off looking into what it might be.
Oh wow! They released the Baphomet lab into MA.
Man, now that the BaniPan have their own drum section they can really liven up a mission.
I find some old recordings that suggest that Dark Astoria has always been full of other **** that be freaky.
...and I wonder why there are still doors that open and close in this map and Baphoclone didn't just claw his way through them.
So, uh, all I'll say about the bottom floor is that this is something they never expected would be a bad thing when they put your allies on the minimap.
Also his release "dialogue" says he is "either unaware of your".
...and when the mission's over he turns hostile.
Oh, this is tempting... eh, why not. BURNINATING THE ZOMBIE MAN.
The wandering patrols of memories and suchlike help a bit there.
...and good lord he looks freaky as HELL with the lights turned out.
So the boss who regretted his lack of salvation and then looped a warning to leave it be... is that another sort of recording, I wonder?
Opening dialogue for the next mission: "A town where, because the people stopped caring for it, it stopped caring for them, and one by one they left; the town was no longer their home."
I think you need to break that up a bit.
"A town where, because the people stopped caring for it, it stopped caring for them. One by one they left; the town was no longer their home."
Or if you want to creep it up a bit: "The town was no longer their home. One by one they... left."
Okay. Image in the television telling me to come fight the monsters. Also it's really freaking tall, just like the guy who left the remote in the first place.
Gee, I suppose I should trust it blindly!
Oh, Johnny's personal hell. Nice choice.
The crazy man with a gun in here apparently cons Rogue, which means he starts by trying to wreck his own boss group and works down from there. I try to give him a chance to bolt, but he's there shooting at me right up to the end.
I do get to see him beg the Pantheon not to leave him, which is darkly amusing.
And now, it's time for an ambush.
Or not. I have a feeling these guys are just here to try and keep the TV contained... or something.
Apparently I do actually have to wreck all of them, not just the vocal ones, to unlock this coffin I found in the ditch.
And apparently there are ancient cannibal gods even the ancient cannibal gods are afraid of. Well, I imagine you'd get hungry, sealed outside eternity for eternity.
Hmm. One boss group to go and suddenly the red text wants me to reflect on my isolation... and the place is full of mannequins.
...alright. Let's see what's in this coffin. It's glowing now.
Yet another mannequin. Keen.
The last Banished Pantheon I had to eliminate was a zombie who went walkabout from my rain of fire. I wonder if I was supposed to open the coffin only after I'd wiped everything out and the chaining worked oddly for some reason.
Regardless, final image: graveyard filled with immobile mannequins in poses like they're carrying something... frozen in time, perhaps.
Oh. Now that's an interesting effect. Good thing I didn't tweak my default font scaling or anything. It looks like... a cave and a tree? Or maybe just some sort of deformed rabbit.
Checking the souvenir... ah. Never assume that what you see and feel is real.
For some reason I feel like I just did the B-Side of Video Killed The Radio $name.
Storyline - ****. It starts out promising... or rather, I don't expect it to make any particular sense and just enjoy the atmosphere. Am I supposed to be watching the tape "still inside Astoria" at the end, and just seeing myself walk in, stare at static, and then walk out under the influence of some unknown force? That at least might explain the weird dichotomy of the guy who inspired the mannequin being somehow both an insane immortal radio host and a desk jockey at a modern-day electronics store.
The memories alternately flip out at me when I poke at their office building too much and help to contain Adamastor when he goes crazy in the Baphoclone lab. I never see them and the mannequins in the same mission, but that in itself may not mean anything. For some reason the mannequins strike me a bit as being "footsteps of Mot", and they're certainly great effects, but what am I to make of how it all ends? Especially since it all seems to have been a hallucination within a hallucination within a who the hell knows.
I thought there might be something going on here with the idea of recordings, and the Banished Pantheon troops that I fought all being, somehow, recordings-in-flesh, and the memories are holograms and the mannequins are photographs, and in the weird un-world un-time of Dark Astoria they're all jumbled together. But the immortal radio host just took ad 30-06 to that idea.
I had a weird idea for the closing and souvenir, which I thought I'd share. Basically the closing is you getting snapped out of some reverie at an electronics store - the TV static was, for some reason, fascinating . And the souvenir is some kind of... student film? that shows up at your hideout in a plain brown wrapper, which starts with you taking notice of that weird burst of static in Dark Astoria that turned out to be a shaman's lightning hitting a junction box, except in the film you go off on this grand adventure, though wrecked offices and a melted radio station and a cave of flesh, and the last shot is you staring down at the mannequin in the coffin as the camera angle shifts higher and higher and higher and then you're lost in the fog. For some reason it's really unnerving, but you file it away as a curiosity and get on with the immediate threats.
Design - ****. The surroundings are great, but as I said I really didn't get how the "memories" were used, and the rescue in mission 2 seems a bit silly, especially when the mannequins sprout rock socks for no reason I can work out. Just start out the mission with the security console active and put the masked mannequin in as an ally boss or something. (Or some kind of enemy captive with ally spawns, though I think if it's a contact you still can't harm it. I've seen the technique used much earlier on to create friendly reporters interviewing cops and suchlike.) The description can talk about how you can deactivate this sick joke while you're at the security console.
Gameplay - ****. There's a little hiccup with this arc being truly solo friendly, and that's the over a dozen mandatory bosses in the final mission. The masks might not be too bad, but those Totems hit like a truck. I don't know exactly what you can do about this - maybe some of the bosses are just optional and the vocal ones are the important kills? Maybe either paint the Pantheon grey or call out the silent ones as weird mannequins in their own right?
Detail - *****. Oh sweet lord yes. The first two missions were the most fun I ever had getting no XP, and I actually jumped in the lab map when I opened a door and saw a totem pacing around. This arc sets a mood very, very powerfully. The mannequins are extremely potent as suspense, if nothing else.
Overall - ****. An interesting ride that hops the rails a bit in mission 4 and just kind of coasts to an unexplained stop in the middle of nowhere. Tremendous, tremendous atmosphere, though.
Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?
My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)
...homicidal mannequins. Yay? They're clustered around another mannequin with a mask, taking pictures. The mannequin says the same thing as the automated message. The supposedly homicidal ones start pursuing me, but on the off chance this is actually a family and I'm insane I'm leaving them be. |
There's a schedule on the wall., I know they're going to come to life and try to wreck me when I click this thing. But I'm clickin' it anyway, because that's just how I roll. The schedule doesn't have any system text associated with it, but it seems to be "normal". Usual operations, more mysterious absences and "illnesses". The mannequins on the last floor are all toting around assault rifles. |
Oh wow! They released the Baphomet lab into MA. |
So, uh, all I'll say about the bottom floor is that this is something they never expected would be a bad thing when they put your allies on the minimap. |
...and when the mission's over he turns hostile. Oh, this is tempting... eh, why not. BURNINATING THE ZOMBIE MAN. The wandering patrols of memories and suchlike help a bit there. ...and good lord he looks freaky as HELL with the lights turned out. |
So the boss who regretted his lack of salvation and then looped a warning to leave it be... is that another sort of recording, I wonder? |
Gee, I suppose I should trust it blindly! |
The crazy man with a gun in here apparently cons Rogue, which means he starts by trying to wreck his own boss group and works down from there. I try to give him a chance to bolt, but he's there shooting at me right up to the end. I do get to see him beg the Pantheon not to leave him, which is darkly amusing. |
Hmm. One boss group to go and suddenly the red text wants me to reflect on my isolation... and the place is full of mannequins. |
Oh. Now that's an interesting effect. Good thing I didn't tweak my default font scaling or anything. It looks like... a cave and a tree? Or maybe just some sort of deformed rabbit. |
Checking the souvenir... ah. Never assume that what you see and feel is real. |
Storyline - ****. It starts out promising... or rather, I don't expect it to make any particular sense and just enjoy the atmosphere. Am I supposed to be watching the tape "still inside Astoria" at the end, and just seeing myself walk in, stare at static, and then walk out under the influence of some unknown force? That at least might explain the weird dichotomy of the guy who inspired the mannequin being somehow both an insane immortal radio host and a desk jockey at a modern-day electronics store. |
The memories alternately flip out at me when I poke at their office building too much and help to contain Adamastor when he goes crazy in the Baphoclone lab. I never see them and the mannequins in the same mission, but that in itself may not mean anything. For some reason the mannequins strike me a bit as being "footsteps of Mot", and they're certainly great effects, but what am I to make of how it all ends? Especially since it all seems to have been a hallucination within a hallucination within a who the hell knows. I thought there might be something going on here with the idea of recordings, and the Banished Pantheon troops that I fought all being, somehow, recordings-in-flesh, and the memories are holograms and the mannequins are photographs, and in the weird un-world un-time of Dark Astoria they're all jumbled together. But the immortal radio host just took ad 30-06 to that idea. |
I had a weird idea for the closing and souvenir, which I thought I'd share. Basically the closing is you getting snapped out of some reverie at an electronics store - the TV static was, for some reason, fascinating . And the souvenir is some kind of... student film? that shows up at your hideout in a plain brown wrapper, which starts with you taking notice of that weird burst of static in Dark Astoria that turned out to be a shaman's lightning hitting a junction box, except in the film you go off on this grand adventure, though wrecked offices and a melted radio station and a cave of flesh, and the last shot is you staring down at the mannequin in the coffin as the camera angle shifts higher and higher and higher and then you're lost in the fog. For some reason it's really unnerving, but you file it away as a curiosity and get on with the immediate threats. |
Design - ****. The surroundings are great, but as I said I really didn't get how the "memories" were used, and the rescue in mission 2 seems a bit silly, especially when the mannequins sprout rock socks for no reason I can work out. Just start out the mission with the security console active and put the masked mannequin in as an ally boss or something. (Or some kind of enemy captive with ally spawns, though I think if it's a contact you still can't harm it. I've seen the technique used much earlier on to create friendly reporters interviewing cops and suchlike.) The description can talk about how you can deactivate this sick joke while you're at the security console. |
Gameplay - ****. There's a little hiccup with this arc being truly solo friendly, and that's the over a dozen mandatory bosses in the final mission. The masks might not be too bad, but those Totems hit like a truck. I don't know exactly what you can do about this - maybe some of the bosses are just optional and the vocal ones are the important kills? Maybe either paint the Pantheon grey or call out the silent ones as weird mannequins in their own right? |
Anyway, thanks for the feedback and review!
Captain Skylark Shadowfancy and the Tomorrownauts of Today. Arc ID: 337333 - Signal:Noise, where is everybody? Arc ID: 341194
@The Cheshire Cat - Isn't it enough to know I ruined a pony making a gift for you?
12 second horror stories - a writing experiment.
They're actually just hostile so you can kill them and complete the objective :P the reason why they aren't just an immobile prop is I don't want to give the clue away as soon as you enter the mission - you should have to turn the corner and "Discover" it first. Also, they have the big feet because they have no attacks, which gives them the annoying habit of just running away a lot. So I gave them rooted to slow them down and make it so you don't have to chase them around.
I'm uh... not entirely sure what part you're referring to here >.> |
The repetition of it all made me think of the mask as just another recording device.
Originally it was mannequins on this map, who didn't fight back, and he'd spawn alone and shoot them and then freak out when he killed one - I may revert it back to that, but I don't want to overuse the mannequins (Plus I don't like how they start running around once he starts shooting at them). |
Yeah this was kind of a hassle to set up and doesn't really work how I want it to, but the way I want it to work isn't possible in the MA - basically the mission is meant to be a "Defeat all", but AFTER you defeat everything, it spawns in a bunch of mannequins. The problem is, you can't use the actual "Defeat all" option as a trigger, even for non-combat objectives. So I had to just make every single spawn a boss and make them all required - only I wanted some of them to talk, too, which means I need a separate detail for them. And since you can only link an objective to one trigger, I had to go with the big generic boss spawn and basically just cross my fingers and hope the player takes out the two talking spawns before the rest of them - obviously it didn't work out that way for you but at least the mannequins didn't aggro on the one that was left (Which is what I wanted to avoid - they aren't SUPPOSED to move). |
It's actually neither - well, the talking mannequin is meant to look like him, and the "Real" him is the radio host - but he's not the one who made the mannequins. Neither is the guy in the electronics store if you read his reply :P |
You're probably overthinking it, but I can't say that I don't write arcs that inspire people to overthink them :P. Don't read too much into the souvenir, it's really meant as one last mindscrew in an already pretty mindscrewy place. Bonus points: If you show someone else the video, they'll tell you that there's nothing but static on the tape! |
I think this was one of those times.
Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?
My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)
A lot of people seem to find mission 4 and 5 a bit dull, so I'm working on improving them a bit. I just changed mission 4 a fair amount so it should be more interesting now. Mission 5 I'm still trying to figure out what to do with it that will still give the same effect at the end.
Captain Skylark Shadowfancy and the Tomorrownauts of Today. Arc ID: 337333 - Signal:Noise, where is everybody? Arc ID: 341194
@The Cheshire Cat - Isn't it enough to know I ruined a pony making a gift for you?
12 second horror stories - a writing experiment.
-Rewrote the souvenir a touch.
-Rewrote some of Adamastor's dialogue.
I think I'm finally starting to get an idea of what's supposed to be happening in Astoria. Not that I'm planning on sharing that information.
Though, things that you can safely rule out:
-Indian Burial Ground
-"It's all just a dream!"
-Anything too self-aware, like CoH having fully integrated weather systems that just happen to constantly set Astoria to "foggy" and everywhere else to "Sunny". Well at least, not canonically. Maybe that's actually what's going on behind the scenes, I don't know, I don't work there.
Captain Skylark Shadowfancy and the Tomorrownauts of Today. Arc ID: 337333 - Signal:Noise, where is everybody? Arc ID: 341194
@The Cheshire Cat - Isn't it enough to know I ruined a pony making a gift for you?
12 second horror stories - a writing experiment.
Small review after playing the game.
Like I said in the comment to the mission. It creeped the piss out of me!
In my defense, I'm not to used to horror in general.
I loved the missions and I loved doing them, but there's something that left a bad taste in my mouth. I don't get what's going on.
-Who was the tall person?
-How did the DJ survive for 100 years?
-Where is everyone? Did they all turn into manaquins?
-How are the haunted feelings related to anything? Regret, memory, loss. They're scary when they're suddenly behind you, but who are the suppose to be?
In short. Creepy but confusing. 5 stars.
-How did the DJ survive for 100 years? |
-Where is everyone? Did they all turn into manaquins? |
-How are the haunted feelings related to anything? Regret, memory, loss. They're scary when they're suddenly behind you, but who are the suppose to be? |
Captain Skylark Shadowfancy and the Tomorrownauts of Today. Arc ID: 337333 - Signal:Noise, where is everybody? Arc ID: 341194
@The Cheshire Cat - Isn't it enough to know I ruined a pony making a gift for you?
12 second horror stories - a writing experiment.
"If you've seen I Am Legend, it's a similar idea, where the mannequins are scattered around so that you can feel like you're not alone, but since they're mannequins it's pretty obviously artificial."
Ooh, right, I remember that. Well I'll be sure to check out your other ones aswell. Already suggested it to 3 others guy who agree that it's creepy as ****.
Playing it at 3 am by the way. The only time to play horror games.
A quick update for the first time in about a year: Bubbawheat made a trailer for Signal:Noise. After watching it I've realized how little my mannequins actually look like mannequins (I forget why I did that at the time), so I've tweaked their look to be a bit more plain. There's a surprise in their new design, as well. See if you can guess what it is!
Captain Skylark Shadowfancy and the Tomorrownauts of Today. Arc ID: 337333 - Signal:Noise, where is everybody? Arc ID: 341194
@The Cheshire Cat - Isn't it enough to know I ruined a pony making a gift for you?
12 second horror stories - a writing experiment.
I've been kind of going nuts with writing lately (I've got ANOTHER idea for a story idea after this one). This one just kind of, I don't know, flowed out of me; I managed to do pretty much the whole thing in two days, though I haven't gotten any feedback on it so I'd really like to hear what people think (Especially since I wrote it so fast - I'm sure there are errors somewhere).
It's another Dark Astoria story, and in keeping with my tradition with those I don't want to say too much about it until a fair number of people have played it (This thread is fine for spoilers, I just don't want to put any in the OP).
Author: Amplitude(@The Cheshire Cat once they fix that)
Dark Astoria seems like it's been completely abandoned - as if everyone just up and left in the middle of whatever they were doing. But there must be SOMEONE still around out there - and they might need your help. WARNING: You will not get much exp from this arc.
(Description copy/pasted from in-game)
Tags: Horror, solo-friendly
Also, it says "Very Long", but this arc could actually be finished quite quickly - you'll realize why once you start playing it. I would suggest pacing it a bit just for the effect, though.
Anyway, let me know what you think when you play it!
Captain Skylark Shadowfancy and the Tomorrownauts of Today. Arc ID: 337333 - Signal:Noise, where is everybody? Arc ID: 341194
@The Cheshire Cat - Isn't it enough to know I ruined a pony making a gift for you?
12 second horror stories - a writing experiment.